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Military版 - 一些中文、英文,音义都相似的词汇
赞比亚矿工据称遭中国监工枪击 引发骚乱Hakka中餐馆
两名中资煤矿经理枪击赞比亚矿工 被控试图谋杀盼望房价会掉下来?先问问“他们”答不答应
赞比亚枪击案今后会被西方每次谈论中非关系时提起盼望中国房价会掉下来?先问问“他们”答不答应 (转载)
话题: eng话题: english话题: 660话题: bet话题: cant
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发帖数: 1513
焙bei4: Eng. bake, 古之部,just a 轉 away from -k in Wang Li's systems.
陋lou4: Eng. low
擰ning2: Eng. wring [if wr were n would match] e.g., wring dry
民min2, {Cantonese, Mandarin]: Eng. people: man
賠pei2: Eng. pay, 費, 費:fee! ...free...
設S. Min. set [siat]: Eng. set [up]; Setting: 設定!
殺Cant. etc. saat: Eng. -cide (suicide...)
毒Hakka: tuk: Eng. tox[ic]
割S. Min, etc. got: Eng. cut; 刮 also
怕 latin PAVOR panic phobia... long guess.
Also in http://sino-platonic.org/complete/spp007_old_chinese.pdf :
So not just "coincidences" after all:
協S. Min. hiap: Eng. help
給gip Eng. give
視[Cant., S. Min] si: Eng. see
屯tun2: Eng. town
路lu4: French: rue; English: [king's] row.
if earlier -ak [looking at 各sound], then Eng: tracK
I bet also 路、道同源 ... dolo 閩
踏Cant. etc. taap: Eng. stomp, stamp, tamp, tramp,
嚼[use 口+焦][才笑切]Eng: chew; 咀嚼 ju3 jue2
率 Cant. etc. lut: Eng. rate
祿 Eng. Luck
賴不掉 Can't LIE ones' way out of it
物 Cant. mat, Eng. mat(ter)
kap S. Min/ Eng: cup (verb) 蓋...
cocoon 可睏, ... sleeping bag
依賴 yilai Eng. rely
酷 CrUel
好笨! how stupid! how sad, etc.: same sound hao/how
不實 butsit [S. Min]: Eng. Bullshit
不過 but go...: Eng. but
the things you 聽說 are mostly "hear-say"
骨氣 gut ki: guts; Mand. guqi: guts[i]
移民 IMMIgration
台語 suh / English suck (林金鈔:廣韻:欶,所角切)
maybe -- 未必
I copied this from somebody else:
色 sik [Cant.]: sex
lynch -- 凌遲
Eng: voice, 海陸客家: voi 話
Eng: loss: 落
I think I guessed the original character for the Taiwanese [Minnanyu]
word "gui" meaning "all". I bet it is Mandarin's ju3 "raise"...
我猜台語‘gui工’ [全日]之 gui 字本字為‘舉’。[常見‘歸’等等。]
I think I guessed the original characters for Cantonese "yi ga"
meaning "now". I bet it is Mandarin's 如今.
我猜粵語‘yi ga’ [現在]之本字為‘如今’. By the way, ‘聽日’
[tomorrow] is clearly from 天光日, compare 客語。
Maybe 搡 is the original Hakka character for push, "song".
Could the original character of Hakka's "tet", "pet" be che4 of
(Mandarin) che4di3 徹底 "completely"? 猜其本字。
佢已經死 tet 了 == 佢已經死 徹 了 ??
Could 間 and 節 be 同源字 ? e.g. Hakka: 時間, 時節
韻母: -n/-d "轉", 聲母 g-/j- 轉 like 枝 ??
Rebutted by Dylan in news:sci.lang 2002-06-23
"Re: Chinese: could jian1 and jie2 be same origin chars?"
Origin of 阿舍 A-sia "rich man" is probably English A-Sir.
More Hakka characters:
粢 粢粑 [算本字]
抔 撥(塵)[林金鈔的書說本字為柫]
哀 母親
罔 罔食飽,沒有
搡 推,但越-ong/-ung界
摡 挑水挑米...
欶 欶水:吸水。 林金鈔:本字廣韻:欶,所角切
膦 膦棍,陰莖
躦 腳跟,或用踵...
飶 飽飶飶,飽鼓鼓的
喋 矮喋喋,矮矮的
螝 青蛙
English ampersand "&" looks a little like Chinese `ampersand' "及".
Eng: take, 閩南: 提去
Eng: pan 盤
Eng/Eng: Alzheimer's / Old timer's
各 gak, Vietnamese cac, French chaque
One can't help noticing English Chinese coincidences(?) like e.g.,
http://language.psy.auckland.ac.nz/austronesian/language.php?id :
leaf lap 葉 lap->lapf->laf->leaf
hand hnuʔ 手 hand!
to turn tronʔ 轉 turn!
skin m-paj 皮 Latin PELLIS?
back ppək-s 背 back!
belly m-ttaʔ 肚 tum[my]?
breast noʔ 乳 nipple node
to fear quj-s 畏 quake in ones boots
blood hhmik 血 HEMO-
neck kkreŋʔ 頸 Latin COLLUM
bone kkut 骨 Greek kokkalo... 骷髏 kulou skull
hair mmaw 毛 Greek malliá
eye miwk 目 like wink... but Greek mati like malay mata
to see ttaʔ 睹 like Cantonese 睇 Tai.
to drink ʔəmʔ 飲 to Lap [up], 閩 lim
to bite det-s 噬 Al Dente
to sew boŋ 縫 bond? band 幫邦綁
to kill ssret 殺 slay; 殺戮 slaughter
dull, blunt ddu[n]-s 敦 dull! 鈍
to buy mmreʔ 買 m/buy
to throw ddo 投 ThrOW!
to fall llo[j] 墮 must be related to 落
dog kkhwirʔ 犬|Eng. cur! 犬 Cant. hyun: Eng. hound...
bird ttiwʔ 鳥 tweet :-)
egg Cə-llorʔ 卵 malay telur
to fly pər 飛 like greek and latin...
wind prəm 風 바람
fat/grease kij 脂 GREase...
woods/forest Cə-ləm 森林 ... Senlin... silva
warm ŋet 熱 24 hOT
Heat / 熱 both -it
cold ggan 寒 latin GELU...
to burn bən 焚 bu[r]n
old rruʔ 老 oLd
Seven s-hnit 七 sept-
{en:be|zh:被, (sounds close or same)} hit/hurt/liked...
海:Eng. Sea: h/s relation? 海:每:MArine
堪Kan1: Eng: can, (Chinese is kam however)
買mai Eng:buy
fat, fer(tilizer):肥(料), 胖
梅雨季 starts "May" 1 apparently.
Eng. Muck:墨(粵等音)
缽:Eng. BOwl
Eng. sap:汁; Eng. sap, zap:襲
閩 Dam dam 濕濕: English damp
I bet 太白粉的太白一詞來自 (Ta)(pi)oca, 意亦合!
To bolt:發 Kejia: bot; even "to flower"...
_比_賽: to _pit_ against
I bet 未曾 = 客 mang 吂 (not my discovery.)
lots: http://www.rwfd.fudan.edu.cn/xueshu/zhuanjia/gudai.html 倘/通
Pour 潑
mop 摩,抹
枯萎的萎: WIther, WEAR out, WEARy, WEAther beaten
防衛的衛: WAry, WAR
I bet 非 is a merge of 不為.
罰鍰/款 同源?
朴 pok, pak: Hack(berry)
足(夠): foot the bill, so related in meaning though not in sound.
鹿 luk: Elk
或 hUO/Eng:OR sounds close.
鞋,靴/Eng:Shoe sounds close.
森林 SiLva
筆 bit/Eng: Pen, pin [t is stop version of consonant n]
滿 MANy
埋 bury m/b
這:the t->z [Via Meow Wang]
所謂 So-called
豕 SwIne?
蝴蟣 客:fuki 水蛭 fluke... leech
塔 tow-er
辣 lat/'loud flavor' then back again in 喇叭
沙 sa-nd
查,察 che-ck
霸 bu-lly (Oh, I see ancient Chinese was bak...)
嚇 hak/horrid
患 huan/harm
Maybe 曰 yut 說 soat are 同源, maybe even related to English "say", you
never know.
Maybe 僅仔 ganna is origin of 閩南語 'only'?
用 YOng / Use
檢 and 驗 must be 同源 though not in 王力 的 字典
太/Too, ...古月母。
模/Mold; 霉/Mold
sun/日 like 瑞 r-/s-, -n/-t '對轉'
幡,帆: FAN, VANe, BANner
優, Eu: eugenics 優生學
框誆: I was framed.
甚、什麼: SOMe, 有什麼事? Is there SOMe problem?
分手時說「掰」bye. 字很適合!
kin, kinship/親 qin1 even if 古清紐
何 he ho ha = how, "from the same root as 'what'", = Cantonese MATye 乜口+野
, 客 makgai 乜個
錢 sen cent ...
a 砲 goes "pow"
甚+位=誰? she2+wei4=shei2, shui2?
席次 xici SEATS
I bet 之、是、此、斯 are all related in the meaning of "this", which
in fact sounds a lot like "this" too. And 係 is related to 是。
And, I bet 之 and 的 are related just like 豬 and 都 zh- d-.
Boreal 北
Honey 蜜 mit etc. Latin: mel
I bet 載, 戴 are 同源 (carry).
Series 系列 xilie (coincidence)
My mom thinks "the Chinese name on that liquid medication for skin
ailments: "po sum ahn" (pour some on) 保心安油 is funny.
台語 "(b)bat" 認識, I bet it is 秘(密): 唔秘伊 don't know him
I bet 貼, 接 are 同源, both are 咸入韻 group
孫 is like [grand]son
錄 luk is the same meaning as RECord.
宵=? French "soir" night
Rent 租賃 zu ren/lin
DRY humor 很 ZHUAI(拽)
劈腿 pitui / be-tray
查甫ㄟ za-BO-e 閩南/ Eng: Boy
敗古音 "beat", 正好意亦 beat(en) (lost the game)!
同 lip
I bet English's "by" and "via" are also same origin.
衫、裳 同源?
dim yeung (粵) = 怎樣 well, take a Mandarin zem, so m is no problem. i/e
like "政", d/zh like 都/豬.
I'm sure 粵's GO (that) is really 該。
I bet 粵's 食{口+左}飯冇 = 食著飯無. Don't ask me why.
English ice maybe same root as European os "bone".
The English word "left" comes from the Anglo-Saxon word lyft which means "
weak" or "useless". --> 劣
发帖数: 32610
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赞比亚矿工据称遭中国监工枪击 引发骚乱Hakka中餐馆
两名中资煤矿经理枪击赞比亚矿工 被控试图谋杀盼望房价会掉下来?先问问“他们”答不答应
话题: eng话题: english话题: 660话题: bet话题: cant