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发信人: zhaowendao (嘁哩喀喳), 信区: TrustInJesus
标 题: “圣灵”的果子:58岁牧师在教会的厨房强奸13岁女童!!!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 6 18:38:27 2014, 美东)
7:17 这样,凡好树都结好果子,惟独坏树结坏果子。
7:18 好树不能结坏果子,坏树不能结好果子。
加拉太书 5:22 圣灵所结的果子,就是仁爱,喜乐,和平,忍耐,恩慈
An allegedly pervy pastor raped a 13-year-old girl in an Alabama church
kitchen, authorities in Jefferson County said.
Tyrone Banks 58, gained the trust of the victim, a family friend, before he
drove her to a Hueytown church last month, the Jefferson County Sheriff’s
Office said.
Once there, the alleged creep used a key to get into the building and raped
the girl in the kitchen, police said. He then drove the girl home, where she
immediately told her mother about the disturbing crime.
Police busted the sicko Friday on charges of rape by forcible compulsion and
first-degree sodomy. He posted $120,000 bond on Sunday, police said.
保护孩子,远离基督教!远离牧师! |