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Military版 - Blum先生再出招,诉律师考试AA
反平权 向哈佛等校“宣战” (转载)wsj今天新闻说瓜瓜还在美国待着呢
A Possible lawsuit against HarvardObama-Biden: Hope and Chains
哈佛诉讼案对亚裔平权的深远影响及现阶段普通亚裔的参与 (转载)肛男又开始大言炎炎,自抽嘴巴了 (转载)
大公司里做lead还是跳槽小公司做director? +回答 (转载)paul估计还是破不了记录
随后庞大的lawsuits,让中国1.2万亿国债面临wipeout!美国富人不用付遗产税 (转载)
Lawyer prostisued lawyers who distributed her naked漂浮物again!
美国白人中产上层:What Happened To My Country?捉奸在床,这个黑牧师杯具了 (转载)
话题: texas话题: bar话题: lawsuit话题: minority
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29853
Aided by the same organization that sued the University of Texas over its
race-sensitive admissions policy, a white Austin lawyer has sued to overturn
a law requiring that four positions of the State Bar of Texas governing
board be held by women and racial or ethnic minorities.
Filed Monday in federal court in Austin,the lawsuit by Greg Gegenheimer,
a 38-year lawyer who focuses on family law, argues that the practice
discriminates against white men in violation of the U.S. Constitution and
federal anti-discrimination laws.
“For the last 40 years, numeric racial and gender quotas like those
mandated by the Texas Bar have been struck down by the courts as
unconstitutional,” said Edward Blum, president of the Project on Fair
Representation, which provided the lawyers who researched and filed
Gegenheimer’s lawsuit.
Blum’s Virginia-based organization also sponsored the lawsuit by Abigail
Fisher, who unsuccessfully challenged a UT policy that weighed race as one
of many factors in deciding which undergraduate applicants to admit to the
school. The U.S. Supreme Court narrowly upheld the policy in June.
The state bar, which oversees the state’s lawyers, was reviewing the
lawsuit and had no comment, a spokeswoman said Monday.
White lawyer sues state bar over minority rules
The board of directors, which sets policy for the state bar, includes 30
board members elected by lawyers in geographic districts, six public members
who are appointed by the Texas Supreme Court and confirmed by the state
Senate, and four so-called minority directors who are appointed by the bar’
s elected president and confirmed by the board of directors. The 46 voting
members also include three statewide officers and three members of the Texas
Young Lawyers Association.
Under state law, minority directors must be lawyers who are “female,
African-American, Hispanic-American, Native American or Asian-American,”
the lawsuit said.
The bar is currently accepting applications for a minority director whose
term will begin next summer.
Gegenheimer wants to apply for the position but is not eligible because he
is not a woman or racial minority — an exclusion that amounts to racial and
sexual discrimination in violation of the Constitution’s equal-protection
clause, his lawsuit argued.
Gegenheimer’s lawyers — including Jonathan Mitchell, former Texas
solicitor general under then-Attorney General Greg Abbott — are seeking a
court ruling declaring the minority director law unconstitutional.
They also request that the judge issue an injunction barring enforcement of
the law and an order “forbidding the (state bar) to discriminate against
white men by conferring any form of preferential treatment on women or
racial minorities.”
1 (共1页)
捉奸在床,这个黑牧师杯具了 (转载)随后庞大的lawsuits,让中国1.2万亿国债面临wipeout!
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章盈盈和生物老板吵了一架后干脆撂挑子 卖珠宝国内那帮总监,经理赚着20,30万人民币的工资
烙印就是牛美国白人中产上层:What Happened To My Country?
反平权 向哈佛等校“宣战” (转载)wsj今天新闻说瓜瓜还在美国待着呢
A Possible lawsuit against HarvardObama-Biden: Hope and Chains
哈佛诉讼案对亚裔平权的深远影响及现阶段普通亚裔的参与 (转载)肛男又开始大言炎炎,自抽嘴巴了 (转载)
大公司里做lead还是跳槽小公司做director? +回答 (转载)paul估计还是破不了记录
话题: texas话题: bar话题: lawsuit话题: minority