T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | 1 本来这俩在白宫干得好好的,Hope Hicks是床铺贴身管家,Rob Porter是办公室主管。
。Porter辞职,老头办公室管理失调,经贸顾问Peter Navarro和贸易部长Ross越过
Gary Cohn和Kelly,说服床铺宣布了钢铝关税。去年床铺一直在医保和减税上较劲,今
Recent turnover in the White House — especially the February resignation of
staff secretary Rob Porter, who managed Navarro — upset the regular
policymaking process. Navarro took advantage of the chaos and worked with
Ross to cobble together tariff policy, unbeknownst to other advisers.
navarro-death-by-china-steel-aluminum | d****o 发帖数: 32610 | 2 跟胡妈老公的屌比哪个厉害
【在 T**********e 的大作中提到】 : 本来这俩在白宫干得好好的,Hope Hicks是床铺贴身管家,Rob Porter是办公室主管。 : 结果谈恋爱出去吃了顿饭,被阴国小报追踪报道,引来Porter两个前妻上报纸指控虐待 : 。Porter辞职,老头办公室管理失调,经贸顾问Peter Navarro和贸易部长Ross越过 : Gary Cohn和Kelly,说服床铺宣布了钢铝关税。去年床铺一直在医保和减税上较劲,今 : 年看来要搞关税和Nafta了。 : Recent turnover in the White House — especially the February resignation of : staff secretary Rob Porter, who managed Navarro — upset the regular : policymaking process. Navarro took advantage of the chaos and worked with : Ross to cobble together tariff policy, unbeknownst to other advisers. : https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/3/8/17091012/tariffs-peter-
| T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | 3
carlos danger老油是有名的小jj吧。
【在 d****o 的大作中提到】 : 跟胡妈老公的屌比哪个厉害 : : of