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英《金融时报》: 中国是怎样“消化”高铁技术的?原来是2个中的一个停了,吓死我鸟
某些人吹嘘的铁路网络会不会导致中国全民破产?日本麻烦大了:全国接近1/3地区自来水检测出放射性污染(SINA VIDEO)
三哥高铁试验成功了,时速160公里,要做世界最便宜留日老将顶不住了 自首要求遣送回国ZT共同社
看看敬业认真的日本人是怎样封闭核污染水的吧奇文共赏:Railways in Tibet , Everyone else is worried
More than 15,000 people died 2011 Japan earthquakeJapan to China: You've hijacked our high-speed rails
话题: station话题: west话题: shinkansen话题: jr话题: prefecture
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 14281
The last fatality on the Sanyo Shinkansen Line occurred in May 2016, when a
man was struck and killed by a bullet train on the track at Himeji Station
in Hyogo Prefecture, JR West said.
A 700-series Nozomi Shinkansen bullet train with a cracked nose made an
emergency stop at Shin-Shimonoseki Station in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi
Prefecture. (Provided by a reader)
Human body parts were found in the cracked nose of a bullet train operated
by a driver who thought he had run over a small animal on the Sanyo
Shinkansen Line on June 14, railway officials said.
The driver of the Nozomi No. 176 Shinkansen heard the sound of an impact
between Hakata Station and Kokura Station in Fukuoka Prefecture, but he
continued driving without reporting the abnormal noise to the operation
control center of West Japan Railway Co. (JR West).
Around 2:10 p.m., the driver of another train noticed the cracked nose of
the Nozomi Shinkansen and informed the operation control center, which
ordered an emergency stop of the damaged 16-car bullet train.
Police discovered the body parts at Shin-Shimonoseki Station in Shimonoseki,
Yamaguchi Prefecture, the stop after Kokura Station in Kita-Kyushu.
“(The driver) should have immediately informed (the center) about the
abnormal sound for safety’s sake,” said an official of JR West’s Fukuoka
Fukuoka prefectural police on June 15 said the man killed by the bullet
train was a 52-year-old caregiver from Nogata, Fukuoka Prefecture.
According to the Yahata-Nishi Police Station in Kita-Kyushu, body parts were
discovered in the area near the Ishizaka Tunnel on the bullet train line on
the night of June 14. An empty minivan was parked on a nearby road.
Police confirmed the caregiver was the owner of the minivan, and they
matched his fingerprints from body parts found in the nose of the Shinkansen.
They are treating the case as a suicide.
Under JR West’s Safety Think-and-Act Plan 2022 released in February, the
overriding priority for all employees is safety.
The plan states that employees should immediately halt trains if they feel
something is abnormal or if they cannot confirm the safety of operations,
even if the problem turns out to be nothing serious.
The driver of the 700 series train said he thought he had hit an animal
because people rarely enter the tracks between stations, JR West officials
“The driver decided on his own that the case didn’t apply to things that
must be reported,” the Fukuoka branch official told The Asahi Shimbun. “
That’s the point we should examine.”
The last fatality on the Sanyo Shinkansen Line occurred in May 2016, when a
man was struck and killed by a bullet train on the track at Himeji Station
in Hyogo Prefecture, JR West said.
The railway company said it is extremely rare for such accidents to occur
between stations on the line.
1 (共1页)
Japan to China: You've hijacked our high-speed rails日本灾民很生气-灾区市长大笑,救灾物资不继
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英《金融时报》: 中国是怎样“消化”高铁技术的?原来是2个中的一个停了,吓死我鸟
某些人吹嘘的铁路网络会不会导致中国全民破产?日本麻烦大了:全国接近1/3地区自来水检测出放射性污染(SINA VIDEO)
三哥高铁试验成功了,时速160公里,要做世界最便宜留日老将顶不住了 自首要求遣送回国ZT共同社
话题: station话题: west话题: shinkansen话题: jr话题: prefecture