b*********3 发帖数: 1709 | 1 Global Markets Soar After China Hints At Trade Talk Optimism
The Chinese are impressive. Now they know they can move markets simply with
statements. They also already know Trunp cares a lot about market
performance. They've got him by the balls. Closer to the election they are
going to have huge leverage. Where are all those ZH guys who waxed on
about 4 Dimensional chess???? | b*********3 发帖数: 1709 | 2 China will wait till the election is closer to tank this bitch. | s******g 发帖数: 536 | 3 越来越有迹象表明,中国能比川总更为有效的操纵美国股市。 | b*********3 发帖数: 1709 | 4 The Chinese understand face.
They know Trump is a very sensitive man who squeels like a pig and crys like
a baby when his ego is slightly bruised.
Thus they are saving him face, so he can now completly capitulate to their
Which he will.
【在 s******g 的大作中提到】 : 越来越有迹象表明,中国能比川总更为有效的操纵美国股市。
| b*********3 发帖数: 1709 | 5 There’s no winner in a trade war -- what matters for the U.S. and China is
who loses least. Bloomberg Economics’ analysis of 700,000 trade data points
shows that, in one important respect, the U.S. is the biggest loser. China
was the dominant supplier of many tariffed products, meaning U.S. importers
are scrambling -- and failing -- to find replacements. With China sourcing
from a wider variety of countries, its firms face smaller supply disruptions
Again, Xi has played Trump like a violin. | j****z 发帖数: 299 | 6 种种迹象来看,兔子在美国股市的分量不轻,一个电话都能让美股欲仙欲死 lol | b*********3 发帖数: 1709 | 7 Banksters: "Right guys, we want you two to start a trade war."
Trumpton: "No problem, we have the best tradesmen in the world."
Banksters: "We mean a tariff war Trump. You tell everyone we are going to
charge the Chinese extra money to export goods to the US, but only after we
place loads of money on the market prices. Get it?"
Trumpton: "Oh sure, sure." "Do you want me to tweet something, I love
tweeting, I'm the best twe..."
Banksters:"No Trump, I've told you, we do the tweeting." "now, after you
have made the announcement, Xi, we want you to retaliate back with extra
charges on the US exports to China." "But only after we have placed a ****
load more money on the prices in the market."
Xi: "Can I fire some hypersonic missiles?"
Banksters: "No Xi, we have told you that comes later!".
Xi: "Ok, ok, but I still get to be president for ever yes?"
Banksters:" Yes Xi, you can."
Trumpton: "Hey, why don't I get to be president for life, I make the best
president ever. No one has ever been a better president than me."
Banksters: " We have told you again and again Trump, your job is to collapse
the dollar and completely wreck the last vestiges of American businesses of
the middle class. How do you expect us to implement a Socialist government
with out first showing the world how devastating a right wing government is?"
Xi: "Ohh wings! Can we get some wings, I love Kentucky!"
Trumpton: "Nooo, lets get McDonald's!"
Banksters: Look guys, please try and focus on the job. You two pretend to
battle it out with trade wars while we make more obscene profits on the
market prices. Eventually we will ramp up the tension world wide and kick
off that third world war we have talked to you about."
Trumpton: "I've got the best bunker." "No one has a bunker better than mine."
Xi: "Can I fire some hypersonic missiles then?"
Banksters: "Look Xi, we have told you, first we get Erdogan to rally the
Muslims into a new Caliphate and attack Israel. That way we will have an
excuse to go all in."
Xi: "Then I can fire some hypersonic missiles?"
Banksters: "Yes Xi, then you can fire some hypersonic missiles."
Trumpton: "It is the biggest and deepest bunker that has ever exsisted!" | b*********3 发帖数: 1709 | 8 Price USA soy beans before Trump tariffs: ...$10.50 per bushel
Price USA soy beans 8/28/19: .......................$8.56 per bushel
what a 'deal maker'....🤣🤣🤣 |