y**g 发帖数: 2492 | 1 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: bigsail (当年的红帆船), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 孟山都 到底是干什么的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Sep 7 11:06:52 2009, 美东)
本来亩产 500kg 的,用了他们的种子,可以亩产 1000kg,于是一半的耕地就被用来盖
这就可以要挟和操纵他国了。 |
y******n 发帖数: 4527 | 2 听起来很邪恶啊
【在 y**g 的大作中提到】 : 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】 : 发信人: bigsail (当年的红帆船), 信区: Military : 标 题: Re: 孟山都 到底是干什么的 : 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Sep 7 11:06:52 2009, 美东) : 本来亩产 500kg 的,用了他们的种子,可以亩产 1000kg,于是一半的耕地就被用来盖 : 楼了,一半的农民就变工人了。 : 突然不给种子了,你倒是可以换回原来的种子,但是地呢?人呢?你的整个产业结构已 : 经变了,不是一两年就能恢复的。当年就得闹粮荒,第二年就得饿死人,敢这么冒险的 : 政府轻而易举就能被推翻。 : 这就可以要挟和操纵他国了。
y**g 发帖数: 2492 | 3 国内的食品安全一直再谈,但还没有触及这个大问题
【在 y******n 的大作中提到】 : 听起来很邪恶啊
m*****u 发帖数: 1342 | 4 US soybean (a lot from Missouri) already took over domestic Northeast
(Dong Bei) soybean, one reason being they can get more oil from US soybean
(in addition to price advantage).
【在 y**g 的大作中提到】 : 国内的食品安全一直再谈,但还没有触及这个大问题 : 如今很多地方的水资源被外资控制了,有不少人已经看出来了,但这个还好办,大不了 : 把水资源的营运权收回了, : 但这些转基因的种子一旦全国铺开,暂且不说对人的健康如何,一旦不再提供种子,后 : 果的确很严重
y**g 发帖数: 2492 | 5 是啊,这种take over 就是隐患所在
【在 m*****u 的大作中提到】 : US soybean (a lot from Missouri) already took over domestic Northeast : (Dong Bei) soybean, one reason being they can get more oil from US soybean : (in addition to price advantage).
m*****u 发帖数: 1342 | 6 I remember watched movie "The Future of Food (2004)".
More recently there is a movie "Food Inc."
And Monsanto has something to say about Food Inc.
I would listen to both sides before jump into conclusions :-)
【在 y**g 的大作中提到】 : 是啊,这种take over 就是隐患所在
y**g 发帖数: 2492 | 7 很多时候,关系到国计民生安危的时候,往往只能从自己这一方的利益出发
【在 m*****u 的大作中提到】 : I remember watched movie "The Future of Food (2004)". : More recently there is a movie "Food Inc." : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eKYyD14d_0 : And Monsanto has something to say about Food Inc. : http://www.monsanto.com/foodinc/ : I would listen to both sides before jump into conclusions :-)
s******e 发帖数: 1985 | 8 Sah! LaoNie 又站错队了。
【在 y**g 的大作中提到】 : 很多时候,关系到国计民生安危的时候,往往只能从自己这一方的利益出发 : 屁股总是决定脑袋,屁股坐哪方,脑袋就怎么想
h*******y 发帖数: 1227 | 9 LaoNie不算,因为他不是一个普通的消费者的。
【在 s******e 的大作中提到】 : Sah! LaoNie 又站错队了。
z***1 发帖数: 371 | 10 Not sure if I follow your reasoning here. Were you trying to condemn
Monsanto or just want to bring awareness to people about their sins? If the
former, would you suggest better alternatives or business model? If the
latter, thanks. It’s already in the public domain that Monsanto has been
stuck in a controversial position for years and they are mired in numerous
【在 y**g 的大作中提到】 : 很多时候,关系到国计民生安危的时候,往往只能从自己这一方的利益出发 : 屁股总是决定脑袋,屁股坐哪方,脑袋就怎么想
y**g 发帖数: 2492 | 11 我只是转载,并且觉得中国政府,应该关心这个问题
【在 z***1 的大作中提到】 : Not sure if I follow your reasoning here. Were you trying to condemn : Monsanto or just want to bring awareness to people about their sins? If the : former, would you suggest better alternatives or business model? If the : latter, thanks. It’s already in the public domain that Monsanto has been : stuck in a controversial position for years and they are mired in numerous : litigations.
z***1 发帖数: 371 | 12 Sure...we all need to be critically minded. I am also wary that we are in an
unchartered territory in terms of genetically modified (GM) foods
especially pertaining to long term health risks and the exposure of such
presented to our children. Monsanto controls 90% of GM business.
【在 y**g 的大作中提到】 : 我只是转载,并且觉得中国政府,应该关心这个问题 : 一旦由于某些政治原因,比如战争,孟三通不给中国提供种子了,后果会怎样? : : the
y**g 发帖数: 2492 | 13 转基因食品的安全是一个方面问题,但还有比这个更高一层的问题
【在 z***1 的大作中提到】 : Sure...we all need to be critically minded. I am also wary that we are in an : unchartered territory in terms of genetically modified (GM) foods : especially pertaining to long term health risks and the exposure of such : presented to our children. Monsanto controls 90% of GM business.
z***1 发帖数: 371 | 14 I know what you were saying...but I hate to be a fearmonger too (we already
had too many of those in the media). What you were saying is a
straightforward economics concept...heard of the term "monopoly'? It would
be a threat because the world's food supply is in the hands of a few
【在 y**g 的大作中提到】 : 转基因食品的安全是一个方面问题,但还有比这个更高一层的问题 : 一旦出了问题,连转基因的都没得吃了 : : an
y**g 发帖数: 2492 | 15 我的英文很差,看了你前后的回复,不明白你要表达什么观点
【在 z***1 的大作中提到】 : I know what you were saying...but I hate to be a fearmonger too (we already : had too many of those in the media). What you were saying is a : straightforward economics concept...heard of the term "monopoly'? It would : be a threat because the world's food supply is in the hands of a few : companies.
y**g 发帖数: 2492 | 16 可能你不知道原文的背景,
【在 z***1 的大作中提到】 : Not sure if I follow your reasoning here. Were you trying to condemn : Monsanto or just want to bring awareness to people about their sins? If the : former, would you suggest better alternatives or business model? If the : latter, thanks. It’s already in the public domain that Monsanto has been : stuck in a controversial position for years and they are mired in numerous : litigations.
z***1 发帖数: 371 | 17 Ok. That made more sense. Thanks. I usually don't follow those cctv reports.
It's been great that we had a discussion.
【在 y**g 的大作中提到】 : 可能你不知道原文的背景, : 前一阵子CCTV大篇幅地介绍了孟三通, : 把孟三通描述成造福中国人民的伟大企业 : 根本没怎么谈这些潜在的危机 : : the
m*******e 发帖数: 1280 | 18 Monsanto has been a hot topic for a long time. One example is "The World
According to Monsanto", which can be easily googled, and George Clooney's
2007 movie Michael Clayton.
There are many complicated reasons. To name a few, historical issues as one
of the biggest chemical companies, one of the first companies to patent
genes, THE dominant GM seed producer, etc.
But to be fair, I have to agree biotech is the only future of agriculture.
Strong regulation on safety is the key.
As a national safet |
y**g 发帖数: 2492 | 19
你不能用 will be allowed , 应该用 should be allowed
但其实目前在中国,孟三通的种子在很多地区,已经完全 take over了
孟三通knows about it,这个it是什么?
【在 m*******e 的大作中提到】 : Monsanto has been a hot topic for a long time. One example is "The World : According to Monsanto", which can be easily googled, and George Clooney's : 2007 movie Michael Clayton. : There are many complicated reasons. To name a few, historical issues as one : of the biggest chemical companies, one of the first companies to patent : genes, THE dominant GM seed producer, etc. : But to be fair, I have to agree biotech is the only future of agriculture. : Strong regulation on safety is the key. : As a national safet
q**u 发帖数: 12289 | 20 靠,当真?
【在 y**g 的大作中提到】 : : 你不能用 will be allowed , 应该用 should be allowed : 但其实目前在中国,孟三通的种子在很多地区,已经完全 take over了 : 而且这种主导性的占有地位已经是星星之火呈燎原之势 : 孟三通knows about it,这个it是什么? : 目前在中国,孟三通还是在加大这种垄断地位
y**g 发帖数: 2492 | 21 是的,其实这是普遍存在的,就看各国政府怎么防范了
【在 q**u 的大作中提到】 : 靠,当真?
t*n 发帖数: 14458 | 22 袁隆平那些还是自然筛选出来的
【在 y**g 的大作中提到】 : 是的,其实这是普遍存在的,就看各国政府怎么防范了 : 天朝的转基因的水稻种子,就是袁隆平发明的那些,也每年卖到菲律宾等地,占据了他 : 们的主要市场
y**g 发帖数: 2492 | 23 sorry,半夜搞糊涂了
袁隆平的是杂交水稻,不是转基因的 |
g*******0 发帖数: 267 | |
m*r 发帖数: 37612 | 25 绿色鸡蛋和普通鸡蛋的区别
【在 g*******0 的大作中提到】 : 自然转和人工转区别大吗?
g*******0 发帖数: 267 | |
m********4 发帖数: 988 | 27 哇,yao哥的爱国之心让人敬佩呀!真是“处江湖之远仍忧其国”哦……
感谢这个科普,让我知道梦三都是干嘛的了。 |