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Missouri版 - 黑哥们从昏迷中醒来,看见自己的脸书会不会又晕过去了? (转载)
zz 美国参院移民案 今天关键表决明天后天大盘继续跌
st.louis周边自然景观有什么推荐?发现屋内有飞的白蚁(swarming termites),说明房子什么地方已有白蚁窝了吗?
Re: 这个女faculty真美啊 (转载)We are only 1/10 human
奔个臭美自拍 (转载)美国众院批准2亿美元助以色列建反导系统
Lexus nx300美国总统辩论moderators没有NBC的
黑哥们从昏迷中醒来,看见自己的脸书会不会又晕过去了? (转载)强文,2013诺贝尔医学生理学奖和施一公擦肩而过 ZZ
Donald Trump最极端“移改”方案中国经济放缓,突显就业不平衡
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发帖数: 15479
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: Closingbell (我一刀斩到你桃花开), 信区: Military
标 题: 黑哥们从昏迷中醒来,看见自己的脸书会不会又晕过去了?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 1 19:09:10 2013, 美东)
Chuck St You said "...was run over like an animal..". I call that SELF
DEFENSE. When you have a SWARM of 20-30 PEOPLE coming down at you with
malicious intent and you have a wife AND a 2 YEARS OLD TODDLER with you, you
think you'll just stick around?24 minutes ago · Like · 5..
Karen Davenport they had it just now on local news here in ga24 minutes ago
· Like · 1..
Pac Gutierrez Yeah to help his buddy who break checks a guy with his family
in the car, bunch of idiots.. I would have ran everyone over if a bunch of
thugs were after my family and I. Also the guy drove off after bikers were
trying to slash his tires 23 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 11..
Michael Bertovich He got off his bike to attack someone. He's no angel. Stop
whitewashing his actions because he was badly hurt.23 minutes ago · Like
· 8..Janice Rothman "Run over like an animal"?!?! How about the driver of
the SUV being cornered and taunted like a caged animal?
Reading the comments, 90% are not supportive. Maybe the moderator should
take a good look at the reason why. (HINT: Watch the video! The bikers fault
!) The moderator can also show some compassion for the driver of the SUV and
his family.
1 (共1页)
中国经济放缓,突显就业不平衡Lexus nx300
作为色情片生产大国 美国这个州要对色情制品下手黑哥们从昏迷中醒来,看见自己的脸书会不会又晕过去了? (转载)
Candy Crowley现在承认她主持辩论时撒谎了Donald Trump最极端“移改”方案
zz 美国参院移民案 今天关键表决明天后天大盘继续跌
st.louis周边自然景观有什么推荐?发现屋内有飞的白蚁(swarming termites),说明房子什么地方已有白蚁窝了吗?
Re: 这个女faculty真美啊 (转载)We are only 1/10 human
奔个臭美自拍 (转载)美国众院批准2亿美元助以色列建反导系统
话题: like话题: his话题: minutes话题: ago话题: suv