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Money版 - coulee bank从5月1号开始只reward $0-$15000
请大牛推荐reward checking值得开一个ALLY Interest Checking Account吗?
现在有什么比较好的REWARD CHECKING 吗?Capital One 现在开Online Checking 送 $100
coulee reward checking,请教一个问题10个包子转chase checking开户bonus$150(不用DD )
现在哪个银行利息高点啊?Sovereign Bank Savings $75 bonus
boa的cash rewards卡好申吗?Barclays US online saving 1% APY 有人用过吗?
靠,在CCU开reward checking竟然通过之后又把我拒了Open checking account $100 bonus w DD
reward checking account也不灵了,APY降了reward checking APY在哪查呀?
有人弄过hancock的 green checking吗理财新手弱问:有一两万的余钱,怎么理财比较好。(包子贴)
话题: kasasa话题: cash话题: rewards话题: free话题: account
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 271
Rewards Checking Account Gets New Identity
Let us introduce you to Kasasa
Great news! Coulee Bank's Free Rewards checking account is getting a new
name and a new identity: Kasasa Cash™. Kasasa Cash is still a free
checking account, and of course, it still pays you 2.55% Annual Percentage
Yield (APY) in cold hard cash. That's more cash in your pocket each month to
do with what you want. After all, it's your money, so you should benefit
the most from it.
The current Free Rewards Checking tier structure is that you earn 2.55% on
balances between $0.01 and $25,000. You will continue to earn 2.55% with
Kasasa Cash, but the tier will change to balances between $0.01 and $15,000.
All balances over $15,000 will still earn 0.30%. The change from your Free
Rewards account to your free Kasasa Cash account will be effective May 1,
2012. Your current Free Rewards account number will stay the same. At this
time, there is no action required on your part.
Plus, we are introducing even more choices like Kasasa Saver™, which
can be linked to your Kasasa Cash account. With Kasasa Saver you will earn 1
.00% on balances between $0.01 and $15,000 and all balances over $15,000
will earn 0.30%. We will also begin opening the Kasasa Saver account on May
1, 2012.
发帖数: 271
请教其他高利息的reward checking
1 (共1页)
理财新手弱问:有一两万的余钱,怎么理财比较好。(包子贴)boa的cash rewards卡好申吗?
Reward Checking APY问题靠,在CCU开reward checking竟然通过之后又把我拒了
新手求助reward checking?reward checking account也不灵了,APY降了
MIT上有多少人用reward checking? 有人用过danversbank么?有人弄过hancock的 green checking吗
请大牛推荐reward checking值得开一个ALLY Interest Checking Account吗?
现在有什么比较好的REWARD CHECKING 吗?Capital One 现在开Online Checking 送 $100
coulee reward checking,请教一个问题10个包子转chase checking开户bonus$150(不用DD )
现在哪个银行利息高点啊?Sovereign Bank Savings $75 bonus
话题: kasasa话题: cash话题: rewards话题: free话题: account