R*2 发帖数: 54 | 1 刚在注册了。看到每个月10刀一定要在drugstore.com上花啊 然后发他们的电子邮件。
请知道的同学说说。 |
f********i 发帖数: 8412 | |
R******T 发帖数: 215 | 3 10刀是寄check 随便哪儿花吧
你可以在shopper上买油卡,gift card之类, 然后把账单发给他们, 拿那个10刀的
monthly pass |
R*2 发帖数: 54 | 4 谢谢楼上2位。
我的是这样的要求 你们的是一样的么
Now that you're a member of Shopper Discounts & Rewards you can get a $10.
00 Monthly Savings Pass on any one purchase at drugstore.com made in May
2012. You must be a member of Shopper Discounts & Rewards at the time of
purchase and purchase must be made within the calendar month for which the
benefit is valid.
Or, if you prefer, you can redeem by mail. Simply print and cut out the May
2012 $10.00 Monthly Savings Pass Coupon above and mail with your drugstore.
com sales confirmation receipt to: Shopper Discounts & Rewards -Monthly
Bonus Offer, c/o Webloyalty.com Inc., P.O. Box 855, Shelton, CT 06484 and
include the email address
【在 R******T 的大作中提到】 : 10刀是寄check 随便哪儿花吧 : 你可以在shopper上买油卡,gift card之类, 然后把账单发给他们, 拿那个10刀的 : monthly pass
z*********5 发帖数: 1406 | 5 我也是刚有帐号,上个月就把买油卡的email转发过去了,拿到了check。
嗯,我看到的界面和楼主一样。 |
f***a 发帖数: 1434 | 6 今天刚注册的账号,所有交易都可以拿rebate:
Now that you're a member of Shopper Discounts & Rewards you can get a $10.00
Monthly Savings Pass anywhere you shop on any one purchase made in May 2012
. You must be a member of Shopper Discounts & Rewards at the time of
purchase and purchase must be made within the calendar month for which the
benefit is valid. |
x*******i 发帖数: 1844 | |
R*2 发帖数: 54 | 8 看来有些区别
【在 f***a 的大作中提到】 : 今天刚注册的账号,所有交易都可以拿rebate: : Now that you're a member of Shopper Discounts & Rewards you can get a $10.00 : Monthly Savings Pass anywhere you shop on any one purchase made in May 2012 : . You must be a member of Shopper Discounts & Rewards at the time of : purchase and purchase must be made within the calendar month for which the : benefit is valid.
s**********g 发帖数: 14942 | 9 drugstore拿到的shopper条款就是不一样
根据他人经验 此条款不起作用 |