Money版 - paypal stole your money |
v********c 发帖数: 953 | 1
On the last $20 OFF $100 deal I bought $100 in eBay Gift Cards, plus an item
over $20 for a total $122.xx.
I then PAID with an eBay Gift Card & the balance was paid with my credit
card linked to PayPal.
I took screenshots of the whole transaction, like I ALWAYS do AND before I
paid everything was correct on the FINAL checkout eBay screen. The $20
coupon was applied and eBay showed my balance to be paid with PayPal at $2.
After I paid > PayPal cheated me $4.98 and charged my credit Card $4.98 MORE
than they should have > PayPal showed my $100 eBay Gift Card that I paid
with only had $95.02 on it... which was WRONG!
I called eBay they said I was correct & I should have only been charged $2.
xx > they said call PayPal and they'll fix it... yea right!!
PayPal refused and stood by their position my Gift Card didn't have $100 it
had $4.98 less = $95.02.
I asked to talk to a Supervisor > I told her this was FRAUD & I have
Screenshot proof. After telling her I'll call my Credit Card Co. and will
tell them this is a FRAUDULENT CHARGE she finally gave me a $4.98 credit.
It took 1.5 hrs of arguing with PayPal to get it resolved! So to ALL of you
that got shorted.... you WILL be screwed unless you talk to a Supervisor and
/or paid with a Credit Card linked to PayPal and dispute the incorrect
charge amount. If I had paid with all Gift Cards I don't think they would
have fixed it.
The MORAL is PayPal are thieves and need a class action suit to get them to
change their ways, the coupon is irrelevant, if a company shows $X.XX on the
checkout screen THAT is all you are required to pay PERIOD!!
Also, always pay with Gift Card(s) to Zero the Gift Card(s) balance out OR
pay part of a transaction with a Credit Card so you have leverage on PayPal!
THIS DEAL IS NOT FOR GCs! Don't try to outsmart the t&c.
There are instances where paypal will deduct money from credit card as well
as from gc. Happened to me in last deal. Fought a lot but no go. Clueless
dumb people.
Fair warning: Don't combine this coupon with GC purchase. If you purchase
something other than GCs you'll be fine. Good luck!
Paypal charged the full amount! Check your account!
ATTN EVERYBODY: PayPal will show the TOTAL price regardless of how much of
the balance you paid using PayPal. It is not a mistake, you will not get
credited back. It's how PayPal has been forever (or at least many years).
Stop freaking out!
Check this link
It shows the full amount. But if you expand each transaction, it will show
discount within
Case in point: remember the $100 off $400 from Discount Tires? It's showing
$400 in Paypal but not $400 charged, no worries
Paypal has been overcharging atleast in the last deal - Just because it
doesnt happen to you, doesnt mean its not true
Discounted GC:
Gas: Circle K, Chevron, Conoco, 76, Philips 66, Sunoco, BP $100 card for $92
Toys R Us: $100 card for $85
Lowes: $100 card for 90 | t****7 发帖数: 11132 | 2 same here, 用了100刀ebay gc+信用卡,paypal只从gc charge了86刀,信用卡多收了
14刀,ebay gc剩下的14刀不翼而飞。由于paypal和ebay分家了,所以paypal查不到
ebay gc的信息。搞笑的是ebay也不知道14刀去哪儿了,最后ebay给了等额的coupon了
事。 | v******e 发帖数: 2756 | 3 联系谁解决的?我有个ebay gc一直不能用
【在 t****7 的大作中提到】 : same here, 用了100刀ebay gc+信用卡,paypal只从gc charge了86刀,信用卡多收了 : 14刀,ebay gc剩下的14刀不翼而飞。由于paypal和ebay分家了,所以paypal查不到 : ebay gc的信息。搞笑的是ebay也不知道14刀去哪儿了,最后ebay给了等额的coupon了 : 事。
| t****7 发帖数: 11132 | 4 先paypal后ebay,最后ebay解决。
【在 v******e 的大作中提到】 : 联系谁解决的?我有个ebay gc一直不能用
| v******e 发帖数: 2756 | 5 好的,回头试试,都是流氓阿三
【在 t****7 的大作中提到】 : 先paypal后ebay,最后ebay解决。
| a****e 发帖数: 9589 | 6 三哥的这个feature is veli interesting
【在 t****7 的大作中提到】 : same here, 用了100刀ebay gc+信用卡,paypal只从gc charge了86刀,信用卡多收了 : 14刀,ebay gc剩下的14刀不翼而飞。由于paypal和ebay分家了,所以paypal查不到 : ebay gc的信息。搞笑的是ebay也不知道14刀去哪儿了,最后ebay给了等额的coupon了 : 事。
| p*****n 发帖数: 767 | | o*****g 发帖数: 3936 | 8 请问是打电话吗还是发email或sm解决的呢,打电话很多时候花的时间太多。
【在 t****7 的大作中提到】 : same here, 用了100刀ebay gc+信用卡,paypal只从gc charge了86刀,信用卡多收了 : 14刀,ebay gc剩下的14刀不翼而飞。由于paypal和ebay分家了,所以paypal查不到 : ebay gc的信息。搞笑的是ebay也不知道14刀去哪儿了,最后ebay给了等额的coupon了 : 事。
| t****7 发帖数: 11132 | 9 电话。确实花时间。
【在 o*****g 的大作中提到】 : 请问是打电话吗还是发email或sm解决的呢,打电话很多时候花的时间太多。
| j********a 发帖数: 1743 | 10 我也遇到相同问题,被坑了325……请问你是找的什么部门呢?我打了ebay和paypal,
【在 t****7 的大作中提到】 : same here, 用了100刀ebay gc+信用卡,paypal只从gc charge了86刀,信用卡多收了 : 14刀,ebay gc剩下的14刀不翼而飞。由于paypal和ebay分家了,所以paypal查不到 : ebay gc的信息。搞笑的是ebay也不知道14刀去哪儿了,最后ebay给了等额的coupon了 : 事。
| n***d 发帖数: 3749 | 11 得不偿失啊
【在 j********a 的大作中提到】 : 我也遇到相同问题,被坑了325……请问你是找的什么部门呢?我打了ebay和paypal, : 互相踢皮球