d******y 发帖数: 11545 | 1 boa的checking用了好几年,结果去年checking开始收费,我赶紧设置了dd,免12刀的
直接把电话挂了。 |
w*****c 发帖数: 2130 | 2 的确是经历过最差的客服,没有之一。
【在 d******y 的大作中提到】 : boa的checking用了好几年,结果去年checking开始收费,我赶紧设置了dd,免12刀的 : 月费,结果没想到这个流氓银行连saving都收费,一直没注意,就这样偷偷的收了快一 : 年了。 : 打电话等了n久,客服那个态度差的呀,比吃了苍蝇都难受。想找她manager谈谈,人家 : 直接把电话挂了。
g*******5 发帖数: 3887 | |
d******y 发帖数: 11545 | 4
【在 w*****c 的大作中提到】 : 的确是经历过最差的客服,没有之一。 : 不过saving不到300就收费白纸黑字写着,不算流氓吧,只能怪自己不看policy。
b**********7 发帖数: 203 | 5 完全同意!刚收到2张新信用卡,Chase Ritz-Carlton和BoA Premimn Rewards,有事请
Chase Ritz-Carlton居然直接就是真人接,没有任何语音选项,相当意外!而且同一个
!而且直接就断了!在过程中任何时候按0都没用。 最后是用手机app里的contact BoA
才联系上真人。 |
d******v 发帖数: 801 | 6 经历过BOA的客服后,在他们家的checking里只留20块,一块都不能多了。 |
d******y 发帖数: 11545 | 7
【在 d******v 的大作中提到】 : 经历过BOA的客服后,在他们家的checking里只留20块,一块都不能多了。
j***y 发帖数: 1640 | 8 2nd this.我的网银的 Debit card 都过期一年了,要我打电话要,才来新卡。 |
f*****e 发帖数: 5177 | |
m***y 发帖数: 149 | 10 SUNTRUST 更差。又蠢又差。
供DEBIT卡的号,真是又蠢又抠。 |
l*****g 发帖数: 3 | 11 确实很烂,只剩下它的信用卡了。suntrust在学校的网点服务不错,关键他不收费啊。 |
d******y 发帖数: 11545 | 12
【在 f*****e 的大作中提到】 : 这就是瞎扯了吧。
p****x 发帖数: 4260 | 13 BOA is one of the most generous banks for us.
1) our BOA local branch offers free notary service, no appointment required.
our local Chase branches offers the same service, but no walk-in allowed.
2) BOA cards offer free entries to certain museums. This service have saved
us almost a thousand $ a year. http://milestomemories.boardingarea.com/bank-
【在 d******y 的大作中提到】 : boa的checking用了好几年,结果去年checking开始收费,我赶紧设置了dd,免12刀的 : 月费,结果没想到这个流氓银行连saving都收费,一直没注意,就这样偷偷的收了快一 : 年了。 : 打电话等了n久,客服那个态度差的呀,比吃了苍蝇都难受。想找她manager谈谈,人家 : 直接把电话挂了。
d******y 发帖数: 11545 | 14
【在 p****x 的大作中提到】 : BOA is one of the most generous banks for us. : 1) our BOA local branch offers free notary service, no appointment required. : our local Chase branches offers the same service, but no walk-in allowed. : 2) BOA cards offer free entries to certain museums. This service have saved : us almost a thousand $ a year. http://milestomemories.boardingarea.com/bank- : of-america-free-museums-2017/
y****i 发帖数: 17878 | 15 no bank can make everyone happy
BofA ranks at the top of my best national banks
【在 p****x 的大作中提到】 : BOA is one of the most generous banks for us. : 1) our BOA local branch offers free notary service, no appointment required. : our local Chase branches offers the same service, but no walk-in allowed. : 2) BOA cards offer free entries to certain museums. This service have saved : us almost a thousand $ a year. http://milestomemories.boardingarea.com/bank- : of-america-free-museums-2017/
d****u 发帖数: 1373 | 16 re这个,只不过对我来说要去掉one of~~
【在 p****x 的大作中提到】 : BOA is one of the most generous banks for us. : 1) our BOA local branch offers free notary service, no appointment required. : our local Chase branches offers the same service, but no walk-in allowed. : 2) BOA cards offer free entries to certain museums. This service have saved : us almost a thousand $ a year. http://milestomemories.boardingarea.com/bank- : of-america-free-museums-2017/
x**********i 发帖数: 658 | 17 Boa的premium reward卡寄了1个多星期还没到,一般其它银行的高端卡就3,4天吧,真
是服了 |
n***d 发帖数: 3749 | 18 引用:
"no bank can make everyone happy
BofA ranks at the top of my best national banks " |
h**2 发帖数: 2841 | 19 一堆废话
debit卡就是为了atm多,boa atm最多,没办法
一些小银行也变大了,拽起来了,比如citizens |
m********3 发帖数: 2125 | 20 同意这个。
如果你不用local branch. 只想存300拿bonus,那么你不是优质客户,流失对银行是好
;有个orchard 2%信用卡被capital one 买了;家门口有个中餐馆有天发现全家去30块
:BOA is one of the most generous banks for us.
:1) our BOA local branch offers free notary service, no appointment
required. our local Chase branches offers the same service, but no walk-in
:2) BOA cards offer free entries to certain museums. This service have
saved us almost a thousand $ a year. http://milestomemories.boardingarea.com/bank-of-america-free-museums-2017/
【在 p****x 的大作中提到】 : BOA is one of the most generous banks for us. : 1) our BOA local branch offers free notary service, no appointment required. : our local Chase branches offers the same service, but no walk-in allowed. : 2) BOA cards offer free entries to certain museums. This service have saved : us almost a thousand $ a year. http://milestomemories.boardingarea.com/bank- : of-america-free-museums-2017/
m********8 发帖数: 295 | 21 确实银行业最差的!! 不只是银行账号, 其它的服务如贷款等也是最烂的! 最后把
【在 d******y 的大作中提到】 : boa的checking用了好几年,结果去年checking开始收费,我赶紧设置了dd,免12刀的 : 月费,结果没想到这个流氓银行连saving都收费,一直没注意,就这样偷偷的收了快一 : 年了。 : 打电话等了n久,客服那个态度差的呀,比吃了苍蝇都难受。想找她manager谈谈,人家 : 直接把电话挂了。
m********8 发帖数: 295 | 22 notary service 在其它地方也都是不收钱的。
【在 p****x 的大作中提到】 : BOA is one of the most generous banks for us. : 1) our BOA local branch offers free notary service, no appointment required. : our local Chase branches offers the same service, but no walk-in allowed. : 2) BOA cards offer free entries to certain museums. This service have saved : us almost a thousand $ a year. http://milestomemories.boardingarea.com/bank- : of-america-free-museums-2017/
d****g 发帖数: 1542 | 23 只有checking account能做notary吗?我在UPS做过15$。改天准备个will。
【在 p****x 的大作中提到】 : BOA is one of the most generous banks for us. : 1) our BOA local branch offers free notary service, no appointment required. : our local Chase branches offers the same service, but no walk-in allowed. : 2) BOA cards offer free entries to certain museums. This service have saved : us almost a thousand $ a year. http://milestomemories.boardingarea.com/bank- : of-america-free-museums-2017/
c*********e 发帖数: 168 | 24 你要是有钱人, 账户上至少几百万, 哪一家银行都不会怠慢你。为了几十块钱被一个
又一个吝啬老中纠缠, 谁不烦?
当年你开户的时候不就是抱着占小便宜那样的心态吗? 人家银行不是你小时候的储蓄
罐, 你拿银行卡的时候条款白纸黑字写得很清楚。
想要收费便宜的银行? 穷人就应该去信用合作社那样的银行, 但是就没有什么便宜可
占了。 |
s****e 发帖数: 720 | 25 我有BOA的account都很多年了,也曾经做主力用过两年,最近因为忘了DD被收了
maintain fee,其他银行以前都很轻松的免了, BOA的直接就说sorry。要不是
因为有时用BOA transfer,肯定关账号完事。
【在 p****x 的大作中提到】 : BOA is one of the most generous banks for us. : 1) our BOA local branch offers free notary service, no appointment required. : our local Chase branches offers the same service, but no walk-in allowed. : 2) BOA cards offer free entries to certain museums. This service have saved : us almost a thousand $ a year. http://milestomemories.boardingarea.com/bank- : of-america-free-museums-2017/