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NCAA版 - Mercy Corps 的update
donation match橄榄球迷指南fb hoke goes for 3 this time...
大家可以去Mercy Corps捐款osu QB shows no mercy on kids
美国人效率真高啊 (转载)Missouri 上海留学生在游泳时突然死亡 (转载)
我们是冠军what a long day!
今年碗赛选的对手有问题playoff semi winner is bama and OU
massacreWell done! Mercy Corps!!
话题: corps话题: mercy话题: update话题: sichuan话题: here
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 53
Mercy Corps - Update from Sichuan, China
May 15, 2008
Dear Friends,
It's the end of another busy day here in Sichuan Province. Today was a sad
day -- not many survivors have been found in areas devastated by the
earthquake. The sheer scale and loss of this tragedy is hitting people hard.
Because you've made a donation to Mercy Corps, I wanted to write and give
you an update of what's going on here. I'm currently in the city of
Chongqing with two Mercy Corps colleagues. We set up a emergency resp
发帖数: 3900
yeah i got that too


【在 j********d 的大作中提到】
: Mercy Corps - Update from Sichuan, China
: May 15, 2008
: Dear Friends,
: It's the end of another busy day here in Sichuan Province. Today was a sad
: day -- not many survivors have been found in areas devastated by the
: earthquake. The sheer scale and loss of this tragedy is hitting people hard.
: Because you've made a donation to Mercy Corps, I wanted to write and give
: you an update of what's going on here. I'm currently in the city of
: Chongqing with two Mercy Corps colleagues. We set up a emergency resp

1 (共1页)
Well done! Mercy Corps!!谣传
updates from Mercy Corps转个文章,我觉得写得很好
Mercy Corps - Update from Sichuan, China今年碗赛选的对手有问题
Mercy Corps - Update from Sichuan, Chinamassacre
donation match橄榄球迷指南fb hoke goes for 3 this time...
大家可以去Mercy Corps捐款osu QB shows no mercy on kids
美国人效率真高啊 (转载)Missouri 上海留学生在游泳时突然死亡 (转载)
我们是冠军what a long day!
话题: corps话题: mercy话题: update话题: sichuan话题: here