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NewJersey版 - 尼玛,这也太容易赚钱了。 (转载)
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话题: google话题: play话题: app话题: fake话题: police
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发帖数: 7368
【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区 】
发信人: wwzz (一辈子当码工), 信区: Programming
标 题: 尼玛,这也太容易赚钱了。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 8 12:31:12 2014, 美东)
"Virus Shield", an app that briefly shot to the top of the charts on Google
Play, has turned out to be a complete fake and has therefore been pulled by
The scam, turned up by Android Police, is as simple as a con-man could wish
for: the app includes almost no functionality whatever, yet it was briefly a
chart-topper on Google Play, something that at $US3.99 for the download.
According to Appbrain, the software sailed past 10,000 downloads, putting
its take at close to $US40,000 for nothing at all. The Register says “
almost no functionality” because the app does just one thing: it changes
its icon when you tap it, pretending to be checking your phone for viruses.
As Android Police says: “this is such a brazen and expensive fake that we
felt the need to give it some special attention. It's somewhat disheartening
that an app so obviously fake could rise to the top, especially considering
that it's paid, and possibly hundreds or thousands of people have been
defrauded already.”
To prove the point, they've posted the decompiled Java code at github.
El Reg would note that at least two of the claims made by the software –
low battery consumption and no ads – are true. Along with the legitimate
complaint that a scam app like this should never have made it onto Google
Play, The Register would also ask why a developer could get away with
apparently operating under a fake identity
1 (共1页)
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话题: google话题: play话题: app话题: fake话题: police