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NewJersey版 - php+wordPress, contract to hire job
找 Linux programmer住Rutherford的中国人多吗?值得在那里买房吗?
Harmon Cove Outlet Center: outlet in secaucusEdison越来越恶劣了
$2450 / 3br - First month free, 15 Minutes to New York Midd (转载)住在secauces 怎么样?
Anyone Lives in Secaucus哪里有大而且全的家具店
$2200 / 3bedroom: 15 Minutes to New York Mid Town (转载)Northern Jersey有什么hardwood floor的店可以推荐?
大家都怎么去纵贯线有生过小孩的jm 给推荐个NJ 北边的OB么?
请推荐一个home inspector,多谢了有谁住在secaucus xchange?
话题: job话题: php话题: wordpress话题: hire话题: contract
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 488
I've just talked to a recruiter regarding the PHP job and there is one
opening available. It is a contract to hire job, and mostly focusing on PHP+
wordPress, and I believe more on the GUI side. They kind of hoping to have a
more senior level programmer.
Not too sure about the pay, but I believe it is around 65-85 an hour and
probably cannot sponsor (yeah, bad). I am not too sure about the details of
the job and all my friends in this area got job already got a job already.
If you are looking to change and comfortable with the contract to hire type,
please forward your resume and I will pick 2-3 of them and send your info
directly to contractor.
by the way, the job location is probably at Secaucus (at least I was told
that the main center is there).
1 (共1页)
有谁住在secaucus xchange?$2200 / 3bedroom: 15 Minutes to New York Mid Town (转载)
周日上午有没有想打网球的?(目前有三个,三缺一)请推荐一个home inspector,多谢了
找 Linux programmer住Rutherford的中国人多吗?值得在那里买房吗?
Harmon Cove Outlet Center: outlet in secaucusEdison越来越恶劣了
$2450 / 3br - First month free, 15 Minutes to New York Midd (转载)住在secauces 怎么样?
Anyone Lives in Secaucus哪里有大而且全的家具店
话题: job话题: php话题: wordpress话题: hire话题: contract