l******u 发帖数: 2401 | 1 最近看了一个房子在M线Lorimer St,这附近治安如何啊?
多谢回答! |
h*****g 发帖数: 596 | |
l******u 发帖数: 2401 | 3 多谢回答,现在还没有小孩,所以考虑的基本就是两个人住安全不安全
【在 h*****g 的大作中提到】 : 很烂,学区很差, 小孩子经常会被欺负
Y******u 发帖数: 1912 | 4 I live in Williamsburg but not near the area u mentioned (north williamsburg
, kent ave)
Usually people consider BQE as the line between "good" wm and "bad" wm so i'
m not sure whether lorimer st is safe, although north wm is very safe (
pretty crowd nightlife after midnight)
But it is a fast growing community overall. Like greenpoint nearby was
considered unsafe a couple of years ago but now the real estate price surged
to meet the demand.
【在 l******u 的大作中提到】 : 最近看了一个房子在M线Lorimer St,这附近治安如何啊? : 多谢回答!
m******r 发帖数: 2725 | 5 那个这几年突然就火了起来。。。房租也是节节上升啊。。。。 |
Y******u 发帖数: 1912 | 6 indeed, in my building one studio is listed at $2900+ per month
【在 m******r 的大作中提到】 : 那个这几年突然就火了起来。。。房租也是节节上升啊。。。。
l******u 发帖数: 2401 | 7 感谢!我研究了也是说BQE以西,metropolitan av以北是非常安全的地方。只能说还是
【在 Y******u 的大作中提到】 : I live in Williamsburg but not near the area u mentioned (north williamsburg : , kent ave) : Usually people consider BQE as the line between "good" wm and "bad" wm so i' : m not sure whether lorimer st is safe, although north wm is very safe ( : pretty crowd nightlife after midnight) : But it is a fast growing community overall. Like greenpoint nearby was : considered unsafe a couple of years ago but now the real estate price surged : to meet the demand.
l******u 发帖数: 2401 | 8 这个也太贵了。。。我看的这个是700多,没法比啊
【在 Y******u 的大作中提到】 : indeed, in my building one studio is listed at $2900+ per month
G***Y 发帖数: 9698 | 9 没办法, 曼哈顿太贵了, 小资们周围找房租低的地方, 这些小资大都没有小孩, 所
【在 m******r 的大作中提到】 : 那个这几年突然就火了起来。。。房租也是节节上升啊。。。。
Y******u 发帖数: 1912 | 10 u won't be disappointed. the food/night life/shopping here are fantastic. in
summer you can walk to kent ave water front. on sat it is smorgasburg, one
of the largest weekly food festival in nyc. On Sun it is flea market.
【在 l******u 的大作中提到】 : 感谢!我研究了也是说BQE以西,metropolitan av以北是非常安全的地方。只能说还是 : 希望gentrification的速度能快一些吧,不过NYCHA的房子附近应该是怎么也好不了 : LD比较喜欢逛vintage店,很喜欢williamsburg,希望以后能有钱了往北面搬吧 : : williamsburg : i' : surged
Y******u 发帖数: 1912 | 11 恩,我知道的有小孩的都是送私校的,这边有一群trust fund hipster巨他妈有钱,不
【在 G***Y 的大作中提到】 : 没办法, 曼哈顿太贵了, 小资们周围找房租低的地方, 这些小资大都没有小孩, 所 : 以校区好坏不在考虑之列