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NewYork版 - 【人在旅途】Do you believe what you have been believing? (
Re: 对于常人来说 永恒的真理就是(图) (转载)快快快快快我们去哪里 倒计时了马上下班了
why does nobody believe my post?Who is your emergency contact?
梦魇 [胆小慎入]一块钱的小事
本周二Manhattan Todai聚餐LinkedIn上面看到一篇文章介绍印度人如何崛起的,值得我们学习 (转载)
温布尔登出现59比59了,太牛了 (转载)在中国生活, 真是他妈的上火
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感动的两件事Re: 号召一下
话题: searching话题: believe话题: he话题: what话题: believing
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发帖数: 25262
【 以下文字转载自 LeisureTime 讨论区 】
发信人: auo (aeiou), 信区: LeisureTime
标 题: 【人在旅途】Do you believe what you have been believing?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 14 15:14:58 2014, 美东)
"I want to believe." It's the most important theme sentence in the longest
run sci-fi show in the US history: The X-files.
The depth of this show is far beyond reach. It digs far far into the human
psychological, scientific and religious thought that profoundly hidden
inside our human mind. It tries to explain the unexplainable events with
every aspect that the human mind can think of, from both consciousness and
unconsciousness. In the desperate pursuing and hunting for what he
believes the "truth" of his sister's disappearance from their house when he
's 12 years old.
He wants to believe, but he can't prove, and the public doesn't believe
what he is believing, the alien abduction. The only thing he can do is to
search. Life is a journey, once you are on the road, you can't turn back,
and you can't undo what's already done. You can't go back! It's like a
search engine, like Google... Searching..Searching..Searching... Searching
for education, searching for best school district for you kids, searching
for your another half; and searching for your happiness...or like the X-
itself, searching for the truth. Well, do you really believe what you have
been believing? What is happiness and what's the most important thing that
you think that you believe in that really important to you? Does it?
The Cigarette Smoking Man, who is also the most powerful person in the show,
he's also lost in what he's believing. And the only man he can trust and
confess is a homeless person who sat next to him on a bench with a box of
chocolates. Because he's too powerful to keep all his personal feeling
inside himself and no one he can believe to share.
While the homeless person starts eating chocolates, The Cigarette Smoking
Man says:
Life is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift
that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable because all you get back is another
box of chocolates. So you're stuck with this undefinable whipped mint crap
that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure,
once in a while there's a peanut butter cup or an English toffee. But they'
re gone too fast and the taste is... fleeting. So, you end up with nothing
but broken bits filled with hardened jelly and teeth-shattering nuts. And if
you're desperate enough to eat those, all you got left is an empty box
filled with useless brown paper wrappers.
There are left and right turns in our life journey, but there is NO U turn.
A strong belief will make you doing the best left or right turn as you are
traveling down the road. But it's not always right, and also not always
wrong. It's about choices and your belief. Everyone can only travel on one
and ONLY one path, no matter what. The best you can do is to choose and
Do you want to believe?
1 (共1页)
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Re: 对于常人来说 永恒的真理就是(图) (转载)快快快快快我们去哪里 倒计时了马上下班了
why does nobody believe my post?Who is your emergency contact?
梦魇 [胆小慎入]一块钱的小事
本周二Manhattan Todai聚餐LinkedIn上面看到一篇文章介绍印度人如何崛起的,值得我们学习 (转载)
话题: searching话题: believe话题: he话题: what话题: believing