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NextGeneration版 - As a HepB virus carrier, I want to say somthing
乙肝疫苗打几次,何时打?[合集] 请宝宝大于9个月的妈妈们帮个忙
急!6个月宝宝多打了一针Hep B宝宝回国打疫苗,有问题请教
关于Immunization vaccines疫苗问题
宝宝的HEP B 多打了一针会有问题吗?回国注射疫苗疑问
pap smear abnormal问个疫苗提前打的问题
话题: virus话题: my话题: hepb话题: got话题: hep
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 170
After reading so many posts on whether the virus can be spread through
sharing food, I felt the desire to throw my personal 1/2 cents based on what
I learned over the time.
The HepB virus is transmitted mainly through blood and body fluid. I asked
my doctor here many times on whether I should using my own utensile at home
to aviod the possibility of transmitting virus through sharing food. He
always says "No necessary" even the family members doesn't get immune shot.
But he emphsized that it is alway good idea to get the family members have
immuee shot (so I think it implies it is good idea to have my own food
utensile at home.). My doctor is a specialist in Hep B treatment and Liver
transplant in MassGen hospital. Most of his patients are from Asia. What he
told me that the risk for Hep B carrier is the possibility of having liver
cancer is pretty high. Another risk is becomeing Hep C, which is much more
difficult to treat.
As a virus carrier, I have no clue where I got it since I discovered it at
late 20s. But given the information I have, I tend to believe I got it from
the needles from immune shots I got around 1970s and 1980s. It is because
none of my siblings have not it (which means the chance I got from my mom is
very low). However several my nephews (they are at similar ages as me)had
acute liver diseas at some time when they were young (it is common in the
generation born in 70s based on my family case). But none of my family
members (including several genreations)born after later 1980s got the virus
including my and my newphew's kids at all (I think these generations have
better treat in terms hygiene during medical treatments. Newer generation
got immune shots).
I personally think that Chinese goverment should rum some hypothetical
analysis in large scale to understand what is the major factors and
contributing factors of the wide-spread of the virus in China. They have
large sample size.
We follows chinese tradition to eat in my extended family. But we do pay
attention to the possibility what the virus might get transmitted through
sharing food.
发帖数: 9616
thanks for sharing.
发帖数: 11261
thanks for sharing,据说乙肝携带者不能太累着自己,如果好好休息注意保养的话,
转成liver cancer的可能性要小很多。mm要好好照顾自己,不要累着了,身体健康最大
发帖数: 1013


【在 h*********e 的大作中提到】
: After reading so many posts on whether the virus can be spread through
: sharing food, I felt the desire to throw my personal 1/2 cents based on what
: I learned over the time.
: The HepB virus is transmitted mainly through blood and body fluid. I asked
: my doctor here many times on whether I should using my own utensile at home
: to aviod the possibility of transmitting virus through sharing food. He
: always says "No necessary" even the family members doesn't get immune shot.
: But he emphsized that it is alway good idea to get the family members have
: immuee shot (so I think it implies it is good idea to have my own food
: utensile at home.). My doctor is a specialist in Hep B treatment and Liver

1 (共1页)
宝宝2个月的checkup需要打哪几针疫苗?宝宝的HEP B 多打了一针会有问题吗?
对于乙型肝炎疫苗的疑问pap smear abnormal
乙肝疫苗打几次,何时打?[合集] 请宝宝大于9个月的妈妈们帮个忙
急!6个月宝宝多打了一针Hep B宝宝回国打疫苗,有问题请教
关于Immunization vaccines疫苗问题
话题: virus话题: my话题: hepb话题: got话题: hep