s*********e 发帖数: 6149 | 1 娃13个半月,最近天热,娃就光屁股,我每小时把一泡,很快娃就习惯了憋尿,基本上
不是前功尽弃? | p*******m 发帖数: 3059 | | s********y 发帖数: 121 | 3 未准,完全不懂。帮顶,有经验的妈妈说说看呢。
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
【在 s*********e 的大作中提到】 : 娃13个半月,最近天热,娃就光屁股,我每小时把一泡,很快娃就习惯了憋尿,基本上 : 白天不戴尿布了,nap醒来立刻把尿,尿布也是干燥的,晚上以前还穿块尿布,这几天 : 晚上不肯尿在尿布里,使劲哭,九点睡(睡前喝的多),11点左右把泡尿,直接憋到早 : 上七点尿尿(晚上还吃夜奶,攒到早上好大一泡),所以最近连续三天晚上尿布也是干 : 的。 : 臭臭还没有regular,从8个月大就拉在potty里了,但是最近便秘厉害,要妈妈把才能 : 出货,自己坐potty就哭。 : 现在的问题是小号大号都得妈妈把(直接端到大马桶上),自己不愿坐小马桶,而且娃 : 九月底就送daycare了,现在也不会说peepeepoopoo,都是妈妈揣测心意,上daycare是 : 不是前功尽弃?
| L*******7 发帖数: 14902 | 4 babycenter.com上转来的
Potty training readiness checklist
Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board
Last updated: August 2011
It probably seems like just yesterday that you changed your toddler's first
diaper, and now you're wondering if it's time to start potty training. There
's no magic age at which children are ready to start learning how to use the
potty, but some develop the necessary physical and cognitive skills between
18 and 24 months of age.
Many parents don't start potty training until their children are 2 1/2 to 3
years old, when daytime bladder control has become more reliable. And some
children aren't interested in potty training until they're closer to 3, or
even 4.
Use the checklist below to measure your toddler's progress toward readiness,
and keep in mind that starting before your child is truly ready doesn't
mean you'll finish sooner – it's more likely that the process will just end
up taking longer.
Before 12 months of age, children can't control their bladder or bowel
movements, and some toddlers who show many signs of readiness still are
physically unable to control elimination. Even children who can stay dry
during the day may take a while longer to stay dry at night, though most
children outgrow bed-wetting by the age of 5.
You don't have to wait until you've checked off every item to start training
. Just look for a general trend toward independence and an understanding of
what it means to go to the bathroom like a grown-up. For help getting
started, read our successful strategies for potty training.
Physical signs
Is coordinated enough to walk, and even run, steadily.
Urinates a fair amount at one time.
Has regular, well-formed bowel movements at relatively predictable times.
Has "dry" periods of at least two hours or during naps, which shows that his
bladder muscles are developed enough to hold urine.
Behavioral signs
Can sit down quietly in one position for two to five minutes.
Can pull his pants up and down.
Dislikes the feeling of wearing a wet or dirty diaper.
Shows interest in others' bathroom habits (wants to watch you go to the
bathroom or wear underwear).
Gives a physical or verbal sign when he's having a bowel movement such as
grunting, squatting, or telling you.
Demonstrates a desire for independence.
Takes pride in his accomplishments.
Isn't resistant to learning to use the toilet.
Is in a generally cooperative stage, not a negative or contrary one.
Cognitive signs
Understands the physical signals that mean he has to go and can tell you
before it happens or even hold it until he has time to get to the potty.
Can follow simple instructions, such as "go get the toy."
Understands the value of putting things where they belong.
Has words for urine and stool. | m****o 发帖数: 5689 | 5 我觉得不算,这个应该算是典型的把屎把尿
要potty training,首先是要娃会正确的表达需要potty的意愿
【在 s*********e 的大作中提到】 : 娃13个半月,最近天热,娃就光屁股,我每小时把一泡,很快娃就习惯了憋尿,基本上 : 白天不戴尿布了,nap醒来立刻把尿,尿布也是干燥的,晚上以前还穿块尿布,这几天 : 晚上不肯尿在尿布里,使劲哭,九点睡(睡前喝的多),11点左右把泡尿,直接憋到早 : 上七点尿尿(晚上还吃夜奶,攒到早上好大一泡),所以最近连续三天晚上尿布也是干 : 的。 : 臭臭还没有regular,从8个月大就拉在potty里了,但是最近便秘厉害,要妈妈把才能 : 出货,自己坐potty就哭。 : 现在的问题是小号大号都得妈妈把(直接端到大马桶上),自己不愿坐小马桶,而且娃 : 九月底就送daycare了,现在也不会说peepeepoopoo,都是妈妈揣测心意,上daycare是 : 不是前功尽弃?
| e******s 发帖数: 1582 | 6 potty training是要小孩会主动告诉大人要pee或poo了吧
【在 s*********e 的大作中提到】 : 娃13个半月,最近天热,娃就光屁股,我每小时把一泡,很快娃就习惯了憋尿,基本上 : 白天不戴尿布了,nap醒来立刻把尿,尿布也是干燥的,晚上以前还穿块尿布,这几天 : 晚上不肯尿在尿布里,使劲哭,九点睡(睡前喝的多),11点左右把泡尿,直接憋到早 : 上七点尿尿(晚上还吃夜奶,攒到早上好大一泡),所以最近连续三天晚上尿布也是干 : 的。 : 臭臭还没有regular,从8个月大就拉在potty里了,但是最近便秘厉害,要妈妈把才能 : 出货,自己坐potty就哭。 : 现在的问题是小号大号都得妈妈把(直接端到大马桶上),自己不愿坐小马桶,而且娃 : 九月底就送daycare了,现在也不会说peepeepoopoo,都是妈妈揣测心意,上daycare是 : 不是前功尽弃?
| M****a 发帖数: 11261 | |