x****8 发帖数: 360 | 1 I have to pay more than 27%. Is it normal? When I worked in another place, I
paid around 20% | t******u 发帖数: 3036 | | s******9 发帖数: 284 | | g****i 发帖数: 2269 | 4 你的问题不清楚。有federal tax, state tax, 据说有的地方还有city tax,medicare
, social security.
federal and state tax是根据你收入而言的,因为大部分护士每个paycheck的钱都不
medicare大概是1.45% FIXED。也可能还有别的因素影响,但至少我工作过的两个州每
social security 大概是6.2% fixed.也可能还有别的因素影响,但至少我工作过的两
另外,买benefits 和投401K的钱是不交税的。例如:工作2周,gross income is 2000
刀,benefits 花了100,401k花了100.那么你的taxable的income is 2000-100-100=
1800刀。federal tax就是1800乘以一个percentage。state tax也是1800乘以另一个
percentage。medicare=1800*1.45%=26.1; social security=1800*6.2%=111.6
【在 x****8 的大作中提到】 : I have to pay more than 27%. Is it normal? When I worked in another place, I : paid around 20%
| x****8 发帖数: 360 | 5 I have to pay fed,state,sit,sdi,med. no 401k or benefits yet.what are sit,
sdi? Is it possible to waiver social security and med? thx
【在 g****i 的大作中提到】 : 你的问题不清楚。有federal tax, state tax, 据说有的地方还有city tax,medicare : , social security. : federal and state tax是根据你收入而言的,因为大部分护士每个paycheck的钱都不 : 一样,所以工作小时越多,赚的越多,tax就越高。还要考虑你填w-4时的数字。 : medicare大概是1.45% FIXED。也可能还有别的因素影响,但至少我工作过的两个州每 : 个paycheck都是1.45% : social security 大概是6.2% fixed.也可能还有别的因素影响,但至少我工作过的两 : 个州每个paycheck都是6.2% : 另外,买benefits 和投401K的钱是不交税的。例如:工作2周,gross income is 2000 : 刀,benefits 花了100,401k花了100.那么你的taxable的income is 2000-100-100=
| l**w 发帖数: 865 | 6 Federal and state income tax are withhold from you paycheck.
you will get them back if you over pay.
medicare and social security are at fixed per cent. |