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Nursing版 - 关于H4有机会获得社会安全号的一段说明,希望我们好运!
请问H4姐妹们当年考执照的时候有没有SSN。RN TUTOR wanted FOR CNA class(NY)
求问一下关于SSN和录取入学 ?![bssd]有最近转德州执照同鞋吗
今天得到关于SSN和录取的答复大家帮我看看NYSED 要的是什么?
[合集] OPT期间交medicare和social security吗?关于WES 成绩评估,谢谢
just got my paycheck. how much do u pay for the tax?Help: Opt and SSN
关于social security number请教 - Social science background - Nursing career possible?
NYU的nursing 不需要GRE是吧我的也被删除了
话题: security话题: social话题: number话题: apply话题: agency
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1018
If you do not have permission to work
Lawfully admitted noncitizens can get many benefits and services without a
Social Security number. You do not need a number to conduct business with a
bank, register for school, apply for educational tests, obtain private
health insurance, apply for school lunch programs or apply for subsidized
housing. You cannot get a Social Security number for the sole purpose of
obtaining a driver’s license.
Government benefits or services: If you do not have permission to work, you
may apply for a Social Security number only if:
A federal law requires you to provide your Social Security number to get a
particular benefit or service; or
A state or local law requires you to provide your Social Security number to
get general assistance benefits that you already have qualified for.
If you need a number to meet these state or local requirements, you must
bring us a letter from the government agency. It must be on letterhead
stationery (no form letters or photocopies) and:
Specifically identify you as the applicant;
Cite the law requiring you to have a Social Security number;
Indicate that you meet all the agency’s requirements, except having the
number; and
Contain an agency contact name and telephone number.
1 (共1页)
我的也被删除了just got my paycheck. how much do u pay for the tax?
请教senior residency的身份问题关于social security number
转执照FROM NY TO NJ急问:请教一个关于推荐信的问题
现在SSN申请要多久才下来 (转载)NYU的nursing 不需要GRE是吧
请问H4姐妹们当年考执照的时候有没有SSN。RN TUTOR wanted FOR CNA class(NY)
求问一下关于SSN和录取入学 ?![bssd]有最近转德州执照同鞋吗
今天得到关于SSN和录取的答复大家帮我看看NYSED 要的是什么?
[合集] OPT期间交medicare和social security吗?关于WES 成绩评估,谢谢
话题: security话题: social话题: number话题: apply话题: agency