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Olympics版 - 想把这个comment发给Nature大家帮忙看看
质疑叶诗文的来看看这里。。。。。。 (转载)Nature把最初的Editor Note's给删了
China swimmer Ye Shiwen clean (BBC)Lai Jiang在nature的文章写得真给力
叶诗文回顾-英文版[提议]在en.Wikipedia.org 全面document Nature Ye Shiwen事件
Nature News + Comments 存档北美人民为什么那么愤怒啊:丑陋的美国人又回来了
[bssd] 饶毅致《自然》杂志总编的信Big Data Analysis of Swimming Athletes' Performance Records
孙扬游泳姿势详细解释(抛一个小小的砖头)Nature 还在狡辩
Nature 被迫道歉如果让我拥有一家国际媒体
话题: nature话题: ye话题: 17话题: age话题: jul
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 104
关闭了对ye shiwen文章的评论。
While we applaud Nature’s courage and promptness to apologize for its “
combination of errors” for this article, it is extremely disappointing to
see that Nature still stands by its main conclusion - an anomalous
performance by Ye (which implies that all the suspicions are justified).
Many readers pointed out how cherry-picked data blinded Nature and led to an
invalid comparison between Ye Shiwen and Ryan Lochte. And many readers
cited recent examples that the performance of Thorpe and Phelps improved
similarly at a similar age as Ye, showing a ~6-second improvement in one
year is not rare among the elite swimmers.
Now we would like to add some historical data to further substantiate this
argument: a 5-10 second in a year by a top teenaged swimmer may be the norm,
rather than the anomaly.
In the following table, we list the name, nationality, age, world record
time, and improvement of women 400m individual medley – the very game that
Ye Shiwen played in the 2012 London Olympic Games. All data are obtained
from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_record_progression_400_metres_individual_medley#Women. The swimmers we list meet several criteria: 1) she broke world records at least twice in about a year; 2) she was younger than 18 when she last broke the world record.
Sylvia Ruuska (USA): improved 6.4s from age of 16 to 17
16 27-Jun-58 05:46.6
17 17-Jul-59 05:40.2 6.4
Donna de Varona (USA): improved 9.8s from age of 14 to 15, then increase 9.
8s from age of 15 to 17.
14 11-Aug-61 05:34.5
15 26-Jul-62 05:24.7
17 30-Aug-64 05:14.9
Claudia Kolb (USA): improved 7s from age of 17 to 18
17 09-Jul-67 05:11.7
18 24-Aug-68 05:04.7
Ulrike Tauber (EAST GERMANY): improved 9.6s from age of 17 to 18
17 07-Jun-75 04:52.2
18 24-Jul-76 04:42.8
We agree that extraordinary performance warrants more scrutiny. However,
Nature should realize that its analysis is incomplete at best, and simply
wrong at worst.
We demand Nature clarify what data and statistical analysis, as another
reader, Tao Shi, asked, were used to draw the conclusion.
发帖数: 377

关闭了对ye shiwen文章的评论。
While we applaud Nature’s courage and promptness to apologize for its “
combination of errors” for this article, it is extremely disappointing to
see that Nature still stands by its main conclusion - an anomalous
performance by Ye (which implies that all the suspicions are justified).
Many readers pointed out how cherry-picked data blinded Nature and led to an
invalid comparison between Ye Shiwen and Ryan Lochte. And many readers
cited recent examples that the performance of Thorpe and Phelps improved
similarly at a similar age as Ye, showing a ~6-second improvement in one
year is not rare among the elite swimmers.
Now we would like to add some historical data to further substantiate this
argument: a 5-10 second in a year by a top teenaged swimmer may be the norm,
rather than the anomaly.
In the following table, we list the name, nationality, age, world record
time, and improvement of women 400m individual medley – the very game that
Ye Shiwen played in the 2012 London Olympic Games. All data are obtained
from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_record_progression_400_metres_individual_medley#Women. The swimmers we list meet several criteria: 1) she broke world records at least twice in about a year; 2) she was younger than 18 when she last broke the world record.
Sylvia Ruuska (USA): improved 6.4s from age of 16 to 17
16 27-Jun-58 05:46.6
17 17-Jul-59 05:40.2 6.4
Donna de Varona (USA): improved 9.8s from age of 14 to 15, then increase 9.
8s from age of 15 to 17.
14 11-Aug-61 05:34.5
15 26-Jul-62 05:24.7
17 30-Aug-64 05:14.9
Claudia Kolb (USA): improved 7s from age of 17 to 18
17 09-Jul-67 05:11.7
18 24-Aug-68 05:04.7
Ulrike Tauber (EAST GERMANY): improved 9.6s from age of 17 to 18
17 07-Jun-75 04:52.2
18 24-Jul-76 04:42.8
We agree that extraordinary performance warrants more scrutiny. However,
Nature should realize that its analysis is incomplete at best, and simply
wrong at worst.
We demand Nature clarify what data and statistical analysis, as another
reader, Tao Shi, asked, were used to draw the conclusion.

【在 f*****s 的大作中提到】
: Nature虽然道歉了,但在我们看来,道歉非常不诚恳。想发个comment,但Nature现在
: 关闭了对ye shiwen文章的评论。
: While we applaud Nature’s courage and promptness to apologize for its “
: combination of errors” for this article, it is extremely disappointing to
: see that Nature still stands by its main conclusion - an anomalous
: performance by Ye (which implies that all the suspicions are justified).
: Many readers pointed out how cherry-picked data blinded Nature and led to an
: invalid comparison between Ye Shiwen and Ryan Lochte. And many readers
: cited recent examples that the performance of Thorpe and Phelps improved
: similarly at a similar age as Ye, showing a ~6-second improvement in one

发帖数: 204
我觉得现在的editor‘s note,已经足够了。再细纠Ye’s performance是不是
anomalous,以及是不是imply the suspicions are justified,没有太大意义。你还
要硬让它承认imply了? 现在能搞的是让Nature为Noah Grey的unprofessional 行为道
1 (共1页)
如果让我拥有一家国际媒体Nature News + Comments 存档
BBC力挺Ye Shiwen[bssd] 饶毅致《自然》杂志总编的信
从商业的角度,退赛肯定要比决赛跑第4名以外强吧Nature 被迫道歉
质疑叶诗文的来看看这里。。。。。。 (转载)Nature把最初的Editor Note's给删了
China swimmer Ye Shiwen clean (BBC)Lai Jiang在nature的文章写得真给力
叶诗文回顾-英文版[提议]在en.Wikipedia.org 全面document Nature Ye Shiwen事件
话题: nature话题: ye话题: 17话题: age话题: jul