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PDA版 - Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With President Obama Thursday in San Francisco
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话题: president话题: schmidt话题: jobs话题: zuckerberg话题: obama
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Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With President Obama
Thursday in San Francisco
Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg to Meet With President Obama
Thursday in San Francisco
February 16, 2011 9:44 PM
SpaceNewsvineRedditDeliciousMixxYahooApple CEO Steve Jobs, who recently took
a medical leave of absence from his company, and Google chief executive
Eric Schmidt will be among the attendees of President Obama's event with
business leaders in San Francisco Thursday evening, a source familiar with
the event tells ABC News.
Earlier today, ABC News reported that one attendee would be 26-year-old
founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, according to a source familiar with
the meeting.
Jobs has been the subject of tabloid rumors and rampant speculation about
his health since announcing last month that was taking a medical leave for
undisclosed reasons.
Schmidt on Tuesday told a conference he was "very, very proud" of Google
executive Wael Ghonim, who helped organize the Egypt protests that resulted
in President Mubarak leaving office.
Schmidt himself will step down in April as Google co-founder Larry Page
becomes CEO.
Jobs, Schmidt and Zuckerberg will be among many business leaders in
technology and innovation the president will sit down and talk to, as he
continues to sell his State of the Union message.
“The president and the business leaders will discuss our shared goal of
promoting American innovation, and discuss his commitment to new investments
in research and development, education and clean energy,” a White House
official said.
GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, whom last month President Obama named as chairman of
the new White House Council on Jobs and Competititveness, also will be there
, a source said.
- Jake Tapper
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Android kids, beware of Uncle Schmidt所以moto现在成了google的发言人了?
话题: president话题: schmidt话题: jobs话题: zuckerberg话题: obama