l**********n 发帖数: 140 | 1 儿子刚7岁,做事情磨蹭,我又是急性子,经常吼他。昨天我让他做作业时,刚要发
火,他赶紧说, Mommy, I like your necklace, it's so shiny and beautiful.
我愣了愣,说了句,Thank you. 后来又因为什么要发火时,他说,Mommy, you look
cool even when you are mad. 当时我就哑了没词了,我问他从哪学的,他很骄傲
的说,I figure that out by myself. If you are mad, I say good things about
you, then you will be less mad. 我儿子是那种特单纯没心眼的小孩,硬是让我这脾气
不好的妈妈给逼得学会察言观色,讨好别人,看来我真得好好检讨,要耐心些了。 | m**k 发帖数: 18660 | 2 what a sweet boy!! 男孩子这样细心不多阿..
【在 l**********n 的大作中提到】 : 儿子刚7岁,做事情磨蹭,我又是急性子,经常吼他。昨天我让他做作业时,刚要发 : 火,他赶紧说, Mommy, I like your necklace, it's so shiny and beautiful. : 我愣了愣,说了句,Thank you. 后来又因为什么要发火时,他说,Mommy, you look : cool even when you are mad. 当时我就哑了没词了,我问他从哪学的,他很骄傲 : 的说,I figure that out by myself. If you are mad, I say good things about : you, then you will be less mad. 我儿子是那种特单纯没心眼的小孩,硬是让我这脾气 : 不好的妈妈给逼得学会察言观色,讨好别人,看来我真得好好检讨,要耐心些了。
| G******e 发帖数: 9567 | 3 昨天我儿子说:Daddy, I got kicked out of class today. I love you.
心一软,就说不揍他。儿子很高兴,说了一句让我很后悔的话:You are the best
daddy I ever had.
【在 l**********n 的大作中提到】 : 儿子刚7岁,做事情磨蹭,我又是急性子,经常吼他。昨天我让他做作业时,刚要发 : 火,他赶紧说, Mommy, I like your necklace, it's so shiny and beautiful. : 我愣了愣,说了句,Thank you. 后来又因为什么要发火时,他说,Mommy, you look : cool even when you are mad. 当时我就哑了没词了,我问他从哪学的,他很骄傲 : 的说,I figure that out by myself. If you are mad, I say good things about : you, then you will be less mad. 我儿子是那种特单纯没心眼的小孩,硬是让我这脾气 : 不好的妈妈给逼得学会察言观色,讨好别人,看来我真得好好检讨,要耐心些了。
| p*******g 发帖数: 2682 | 4 赞情商高的好孩子!
【在 l**********n 的大作中提到】 : 儿子刚7岁,做事情磨蹭,我又是急性子,经常吼他。昨天我让他做作业时,刚要发 : 火,他赶紧说, Mommy, I like your necklace, it's so shiny and beautiful. : 我愣了愣,说了句,Thank you. 后来又因为什么要发火时,他说,Mommy, you look : cool even when you are mad. 当时我就哑了没词了,我问他从哪学的,他很骄傲 : 的说,I figure that out by myself. If you are mad, I say good things about : you, then you will be less mad. 我儿子是那种特单纯没心眼的小孩,硬是让我这脾气 : 不好的妈妈给逼得学会察言观色,讨好别人,看来我真得好好检讨,要耐心些了。
| p*******g 发帖数: 2682 | 5 哈哈,how many daddies has he ever had?
【在 G******e 的大作中提到】 : 昨天我儿子说:Daddy, I got kicked out of class today. I love you. : 心一软,就说不揍他。儿子很高兴,说了一句让我很后悔的话:You are the best : daddy I ever had. : : 脾气
| l******a 发帖数: 16364 | 6 我小时候也有相似的情况。。。不过从另一个角度来看,会察言观色也不是什么不好的
【在 l**********n 的大作中提到】 : 儿子刚7岁,做事情磨蹭,我又是急性子,经常吼他。昨天我让他做作业时,刚要发 : 火,他赶紧说, Mommy, I like your necklace, it's so shiny and beautiful. : 我愣了愣,说了句,Thank you. 后来又因为什么要发火时,他说,Mommy, you look : cool even when you are mad. 当时我就哑了没词了,我问他从哪学的,他很骄傲 : 的说,I figure that out by myself. If you are mad, I say good things about : you, then you will be less mad. 我儿子是那种特单纯没心眼的小孩,硬是让我这脾气 : 不好的妈妈给逼得学会察言观色,讨好别人,看来我真得好好检讨,要耐心些了。
| j**f 发帖数: 7403 | 7 这孩子相当聪明啊。emotional smart. 以后能成大事的。
火,他赶紧说, Mommy, I like your necklace, it's so shiny and beautiful.
我愣了愣,说了句,Thank you. 后来又因为什么要发火时,他说,Mommy, you look
cool even when you are mad. 当时我就哑了没词了,我问他从哪学的,他很骄傲
的说,I figure that out by myself. If you are mad, I say good things about
you, then you will be less mad. 我儿子是那种特单纯没心眼的小孩,硬是让我这脾气
【在 l**********n 的大作中提到】 : 儿子刚7岁,做事情磨蹭,我又是急性子,经常吼他。昨天我让他做作业时,刚要发 : 火,他赶紧说, Mommy, I like your necklace, it's so shiny and beautiful. : 我愣了愣,说了句,Thank you. 后来又因为什么要发火时,他说,Mommy, you look : cool even when you are mad. 当时我就哑了没词了,我问他从哪学的,他很骄傲 : 的说,I figure that out by myself. If you are mad, I say good things about : you, then you will be less mad. 我儿子是那种特单纯没心眼的小孩,硬是让我这脾气 : 不好的妈妈给逼得学会察言观色,讨好别人,看来我真得好好检讨,要耐心些了。
| l****r 发帖数: 688 | 8 赞EQ高! 你这个就算算不上调教有方, 至少也是歪打正着 :-)
【在 l**********n 的大作中提到】 : 儿子刚7岁,做事情磨蹭,我又是急性子,经常吼他。昨天我让他做作业时,刚要发 : 火,他赶紧说, Mommy, I like your necklace, it's so shiny and beautiful. : 我愣了愣,说了句,Thank you. 后来又因为什么要发火时,他说,Mommy, you look : cool even when you are mad. 当时我就哑了没词了,我问他从哪学的,他很骄傲 : 的说,I figure that out by myself. If you are mad, I say good things about : you, then you will be less mad. 我儿子是那种特单纯没心眼的小孩,硬是让我这脾气 : 不好的妈妈给逼得学会察言观色,讨好别人,看来我真得好好检讨,要耐心些了。
| r*f 发帖数: 39119 | 9 super zan his eq
【在 l**********n 的大作中提到】 : 儿子刚7岁,做事情磨蹭,我又是急性子,经常吼他。昨天我让他做作业时,刚要发 : 火,他赶紧说, Mommy, I like your necklace, it's so shiny and beautiful. : 我愣了愣,说了句,Thank you. 后来又因为什么要发火时,他说,Mommy, you look : cool even when you are mad. 当时我就哑了没词了,我问他从哪学的,他很骄傲 : 的说,I figure that out by myself. If you are mad, I say good things about : you, then you will be less mad. 我儿子是那种特单纯没心眼的小孩,硬是让我这脾气 : 不好的妈妈给逼得学会察言观色,讨好别人,看来我真得好好检讨,要耐心些了。
| P***s 发帖数: 11672 | 10 这不挺好的吗?说明EQ高。
【在 l**********n 的大作中提到】 : 儿子刚7岁,做事情磨蹭,我又是急性子,经常吼他。昨天我让他做作业时,刚要发 : 火,他赶紧说, Mommy, I like your necklace, it's so shiny and beautiful. : 我愣了愣,说了句,Thank you. 后来又因为什么要发火时,他说,Mommy, you look : cool even when you are mad. 当时我就哑了没词了,我问他从哪学的,他很骄傲 : 的说,I figure that out by myself. If you are mad, I say good things about : you, then you will be less mad. 我儿子是那种特单纯没心眼的小孩,硬是让我这脾气 : 不好的妈妈给逼得学会察言观色,讨好别人,看来我真得好好检讨,要耐心些了。