t***2 发帖数: 182 | 1 孩子现在1岁半,不知道该送孩子到哪一个daycare?请各位妈妈指点!
1。中国人开的family care,是我找的众多family care中条件最好的,老师家的房子
2。美国daycare center,每天主要也是吃睡玩,围成一个圈讲故事什么的也就20分
各位妈妈都很有经验,family care和daycare center利弊肯定比我这个新妈知道,请
大家帮我拿个主意吧!谢谢! |
m*******a 发帖数: 2947 | 2 关键还是看老师,老师有没有耐心和爱心。给小娃娃看电视我还是不很喜欢。 |
r***s 发帖数: 737 | 3 你们要是不在乎钱的话就2吧,孩子英文好的话上学的时候适应的快一点
【在 t***2 的大作中提到】 : 孩子现在1岁半,不知道该送孩子到哪一个daycare?请各位妈妈指点! : 1。中国人开的family care,是我找的众多family care中条件最好的,老师家的房子 : 很大很新,玩具很多,两个阿姨,十几年经验,主要负责阿姨曾经是中国一个幼儿园园 : 长。每天除了吃睡玩阿姨会教少数字弹弹琴给孩子(也就最多20分钟)。会给孩子看 : 一会儿电视。价钱1000每月。 : 2。美国daycare center,每天主要也是吃睡玩,围成一个圈讲故事什么的也就20分 : 钟,时不时有个讲故事唱歌的人来,好象玩的活动略为丰富,对生活习惯的培养上较好。价钱1800每月。 : 有人和我说中国老师最大问题是不尊重孩子,我也不知道这个值不值多花800一个月 : 。我们想给孩子最好的,不过也不富裕,交了1800一个月后一分也攒不下了。 : 各位妈妈都很有经验,family care和daycare center利弊肯定比我这个新妈知道,请
b*********d 发帖数: 2105 | 4 My toleration to TV is 0, so I chose daycare center instead of family
daycare. When I visited several familycares, I found all of them gave quite
a bit TV time everyday (~ 1 hour or so), while all daycare centers I've
visited so far do not have a TV at all.
For younger child, familycare may be better. Since your baby is above 1.5,
it may be better to go to a daycare center for better social, language, and
behavior trainings.
We also spend every nickle in our pocket to afford such a high tuition, but
so far I never regret of this. |
i**e 发帖数: 19242 | 5 1 能帮你养到几岁?都说中文嘛?老师对娃凶不凶?或者说老师带娃的方式方法语言跟
再看看其他的? |
z***1 发帖数: 371 | 6 i think tv time is fine...it all depends on what the tv programming is. Don'
t throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Btw, tolerance (not toleration) would be what you meant.
【在 b*********d 的大作中提到】 : My toleration to TV is 0, so I chose daycare center instead of family : daycare. When I visited several familycares, I found all of them gave quite : a bit TV time everyday (~ 1 hour or so), while all daycare centers I've : visited so far do not have a TV at all. : For younger child, familycare may be better. Since your baby is above 1.5, : it may be better to go to a daycare center for better social, language, and : behavior trainings. : We also spend every nickle in our pocket to afford such a high tuition, but : so far I never regret of this.
j*****u 发帖数: 546 | 7 我个人还是不喜欢给孩子看电视的,电视一天最多20分钟。 |
z*******u 发帖数: 831 | 8 - Second this "关键还是看老师", a drawback for center is the main teacher
changes as your child grows.
- Try to talk to the parents in both and think about their comments.
- How about food they provide for the kids?
- I do not like TV time for kids under two either, but your child is getting
close to that age. |
m*********7 发帖数: 5207 | 9 那个family care一天给孩子看多长时间的电视呢? |