a********k 发帖数: 11445 | 1 觉得陪孩子玩很无聊,恨不得幼儿园别放假。
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7 |
h***y 发帖数: 10334 | 2 确实很无聊..
【在 a********k 的大作中提到】 : 觉得陪孩子玩很无聊,恨不得幼儿园别放假。 : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
d********0 发帖数: 3743 | 3 我是那种会站在幼儿园门口等开门的。。。。。
【在 a********k 的大作中提到】 : 觉得陪孩子玩很无聊,恨不得幼儿园别放假。 : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
l******a 发帖数: 16364 | 4 亲妈!
【在 d********0 的大作中提到】 : 我是那种会站在幼儿园门口等开门的。。。。。
b**o 发帖数: 5769 | 5 我头几天还可以,再后来就黔驴技穷不知道怎么混时间了! |
d********0 发帖数: 3743 | 6 惭愧啊。。。。是早上等开门,赶紧扔进去。。。
【在 l******a 的大作中提到】 : 亲妈!
l******a 发帖数: 16364 | 7 。。。那还是偶们后妈这波的。。。
【在 d********0 的大作中提到】 : 惭愧啊。。。。是早上等开门,赶紧扔进去。。。
k**n 发帖数: 6198 | 8 否则怎么有幼儿园老师这种职业
【在 a********k 的大作中提到】 : 觉得陪孩子玩很无聊,恨不得幼儿园别放假。 : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
h***y 发帖数: 10334 | 9 从来没有早上送女儿去上学的经历......每天睡懒觉的后妈惭愧飘过...
【在 d********0 的大作中提到】 : 惭愧啊。。。。是早上等开门,赶紧扔进去。。。
d********0 发帖数: 3743 | 10 你是不知道一到可以上学的时候我有多激动,都睡不着。。。
【在 h***y 的大作中提到】 : 从来没有早上送女儿去上学的经历......每天睡懒觉的后妈惭愧飘过...
h***y 发帖数: 10334 | 11 你LD不送的吗?反正我早上真的是起不了那么早。
【在 d********0 的大作中提到】 : 你是不知道一到可以上学的时候我有多激动,都睡不着。。。
d********0 发帖数: 3743 | 12 人家现在是两地两娃且全职上班妈妈咯。。。
【在 h***y 的大作中提到】 : 你LD不送的吗?反正我早上真的是起不了那么早。
h***y 发帖数: 10334 | 13 姐!你还能再牛些吗???!!!!!!!!!!!!!
【在 d********0 的大作中提到】 : 人家现在是两地两娃且全职上班妈妈咯。。。
d********0 发帖数: 3743 | 14 惭愧惭愧,我是后妈派的。。。
【在 h***y 的大作中提到】 : 姐!你还能再牛些吗???!!!!!!!!!!!!!
h***y 发帖数: 10334 | 15 你还想要老三??? 厉害啊。
【在 d********0 的大作中提到】 : 惭愧惭愧,我是后妈派的。。。 : 真正体会到了什么叫一个娃照书养,两个娃照猪养,三个娃。。。都不敢想如果有老三 : 我得放养成什么样子。。。
d********0 发帖数: 3743 | 16 放养啊,,,,我理解为啥幼儿园老师可以一个人带5个了。。。心态是王道啊。。。
【在 h***y 的大作中提到】 : 你还想要老三??? 厉害啊。 : 我一个就够了。。老命都折腾得差不多啦。
l*******7 发帖数: 1592 | 17 为什么要陪玩?自己想玩什么就玩什么呗。
妹妹呢,满地爬,到处翻东西,撕书。自己玩的也很开心。 |
a********k 发帖数: 11445 | 18 两岁半比较缠人,每天拉着你给讲故事,读卡片,画犀牛,画大象,画大西瓜。。。
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
【在 l*******7 的大作中提到】 : 为什么要陪玩?自己想玩什么就玩什么呗。 : 我家哥哥5岁,圣诞节得了个变形金刚的拼的,类似lego。第一天拼成飞机,搞了一天 : 才基本搞好,有些还是第二天早上弄的。第二天拆了拼成机器人,又是一天。第三天把 : 其他的变形金刚拿出来组队。反正一天都搞这些了,不会烦大人。 : 妹妹呢,满地爬,到处翻东西,撕书。自己玩的也很开心。
j********e 发帖数: 1244 | 19 我们已经放了10天了 我都要崩溃了 感觉不会再爱了。。
【在 a********k 的大作中提到】 : 觉得陪孩子玩很无聊,恨不得幼儿园别放假。 : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
a********k 发帖数: 11445 | 20 我都无聊死了,都快抑郁了。
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
【在 j********e 的大作中提到】 : 我们已经放了10天了 我都要崩溃了 感觉不会再爱了。。
a********k 发帖数: 11445 | 21 他要你讲故事,还要不停的重复听那段。要你唱歌给他听,唱完一遍又一遍的重复唱,
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
【在 j********e 的大作中提到】 : 我们已经放了10天了 我都要崩溃了 感觉不会再爱了。。
m*****8 发帖数: 4059 | 22 老三老大养lol
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
【在 d********0 的大作中提到】 : 惭愧惭愧,我是后妈派的。。。 : 真正体会到了什么叫一个娃照书养,两个娃照猪养,三个娃。。。都不敢想如果有老三 : 我得放养成什么样子。。。
r*f 发帖数: 39119 | 23 是小朋友平时被你们伺候地太爽了吧。。。。
【在 j********e 的大作中提到】 : 我们已经放了10天了 我都要崩溃了 感觉不会再爱了。。
w********t 发帖数: 18315 | 24 不能超过5天啊
我家已经放假12天了。。。。。。。。。。。。熬啊 |
j********e 发帖数: 1244 | 25 事实上 是双方都不爽吧
【在 r*f 的大作中提到】 : 是小朋友平时被你们伺候地太爽了吧。。。。
a********k 发帖数: 11445 | 26 距离产生美,跟他爹也是,他一放假在家就容易吵。
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
【在 w********t 的大作中提到】 : 不能超过5天啊 : 我家已经放假12天了。。。。。。。。。。。。熬啊
z*********8 发帖数: 1203 | 27 要不,带娃去游泳吧,如果娃喜欢水的话,玩1-2个小时后回来就累死了,自己就睡了
。 |
M******e 发帖数: 1437 | 28 Same here... 尤其是天气很冷又不想出去玩,无聊啊。。
【在 a********k 的大作中提到】 : 觉得陪孩子玩很无聊,恨不得幼儿园别放假。 : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
a*****g 发帖数: 19398 | 29 哈哈。要培养自己的成就感。
【在 a********k 的大作中提到】 : 觉得陪孩子玩很无聊,恨不得幼儿园别放假。 : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
n***p 发帖数: 7668 | 30 嗯,象我们家,因为孩子们生病不得不一家四口躲在家里养病一个多礼拜。
【在 a*****g 的大作中提到】 : 哈哈。要培养自己的成就感。
V***a 发帖数: 11942 | |
V*****8 发帖数: 33122 | 32 啦啦啦啦啦啦,幼儿园假期天天照常营业不放假的飘过。 |
s*****2 发帖数: 237 | 33 娃放假一周多,能玩的都玩了,今天时间过得尤其慢慢慢。。。 |
m**********r 发帖数: 618 | 34 “后妈“来排队。。。
我家俩娃,基本在家超过3天,我就差不多崩溃,要不断带出去“溜“才好点儿。 |
P*******m 发帖数: 20 | 35 hat's why I started my son on play violin when I got laid off. He was 4
years old. It drove me crazy to hear the request "mommy, play with me" for
thousands of times each day.
I was not musical and can not read sheet music when we started. But it is
more fun than Lego and train table. He made up rules that totally "unfair"
when playing his toys. Since violin teacher is the adult authority, he
assumed I am the authority to "play" violin automatically.
We rented two violins for both him and me. Practice violin 2 hours a day.
One hour after breakfast, one hour right before daddy come home. While we
are playing, lift up feet like flamingo, dance around couch like monkey.
That is Suzuki method, if you can do all those without breaking the music
you are playing, you mastered that piece. His daddy laughed at us all the
time when we are doing this at home. But he feels he played with mommy and I
feel I am at least learning something.
His music theory lesson also teach both of us a lot of things. For example,
he is able to play "twinkle, twinkle" on the keyboard. The teacher taped
down two keys so they can not make sound and tell all students go home and
make up a new song. After two weeks of trying, both my son and I couldn't
make a song on the broken keyboard. Then the kiddie version of composition
lesson started. He suddenly come ahead of me. I never composed anything
before I starts work again. My son made up hist first song titled "wiggle
wiggle worm" out of the "broken" keyboard and his daddy framed the music
composition paper as my present the day we celebrated my new job offer.
Now I took a job with a lot of demand, my husband had to take over some of
the "fun". I have so many good memories of the 1.5 year home with my son. It
opens a door to me that I never know existed.
My philosophy is to be as curious as the child is. But don't play with stuff
like Legos and trains that totally unfair. (Save those for play date.) Try
different things and find one you both will like and stick to it for a
little while. The younger the kid is, the easier for them to follow and play
alone. |
t*g 发帖数: 1758 | 36 Nice post. I sent my kids to many programs for the same reason. Keep them
busy, I'll have fun! But you have to wait them old enough to be able to
learn. LZ's kids are probably too young.
【在 P*******m 的大作中提到】 : hat's why I started my son on play violin when I got laid off. He was 4 : years old. It drove me crazy to hear the request "mommy, play with me" for : thousands of times each day. : I was not musical and can not read sheet music when we started. But it is : more fun than Lego and train table. He made up rules that totally "unfair" : when playing his toys. Since violin teacher is the adult authority, he : assumed I am the authority to "play" violin automatically. : We rented two violins for both him and me. Practice violin 2 hours a day. : One hour after breakfast, one hour right before daddy come home. While we : are playing, lift up feet like flamingo, dance around couch like monkey.
P*******m 发帖数: 20 | 37 Our school does not teach kids piano till they passed 7 years old birthday.
But violin can start at 3.5 year old. If you read Suzuki's "Nurtured by Love
", that is the age he take his student.
We are sticking to violin also because it works for both of us now. I worked
in IT and a lot of work has to be done after stock market is closed. My
husband cannot cook. So they have to wait for me to come home cook dinner.
Without the violin lesson and violin practice, my husband will keep on give
him munchies after bring him back from school and he will not eat much
dinner that I cooked. He said he need to find some activities to do with my
son instead of eating and playing Legos. He find violin just like I did when
I am home. |
w*********y 发帖数: 7895 | 38 我有时也觉的陪娃玩很无聊,但我知道因为我没有把自己的智力和水平
【在 a********k 的大作中提到】 : 觉得陪孩子玩很无聊,恨不得幼儿园别放假。 : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
M******e 发帖数: 1437 | 39 I have to say your son is very talented in music. No matter how fun the
Suzuki method is, it is truly amazing that a 4-yr old can practice violin
for two hours per day. He is indeed a future musician.
【在 P*******m 的大作中提到】 : hat's why I started my son on play violin when I got laid off. He was 4 : years old. It drove me crazy to hear the request "mommy, play with me" for : thousands of times each day. : I was not musical and can not read sheet music when we started. But it is : more fun than Lego and train table. He made up rules that totally "unfair" : when playing his toys. Since violin teacher is the adult authority, he : assumed I am the authority to "play" violin automatically. : We rented two violins for both him and me. Practice violin 2 hours a day. : One hour after breakfast, one hour right before daddy come home. While we : are playing, lift up feet like flamingo, dance around couch like monkey.
h*********e 发帖数: 6997 | 40 有不这样的妈妈吗?
【在 a********k 的大作中提到】 : 觉得陪孩子玩很无聊,恨不得幼儿园别放假。 : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
P*******m 发帖数: 20 | 41 Talented is a big hat for 5 year old (almost 6 now). I think it is too early
to tell. He is only good at the stuff I do with him. Hope one day he can
start to find things that is fun by himself.
My point is 1 hour undivided attention from mommy is so great that my son
will walk away and disappear in his toys and not to bother me until he is
hungry or sleepy.
It is almost like you pay your debt forward and you get paid back in the
next 2-3 hours of complete quiet time.
It does not apply to all kids. It works very well with my son since he is
two years old. I told it to my friend, worked for her daughter as well.
Another friend claim it does not work at all.
You can try it if you have a 2-3 year old. Turn off you phone, don't talk to
anyone except the toddler. Give him/her undivided attention for one hour.
Then walk away, see what happens. It is usually most successful after
breakfast or after a nap and snack. When they slept, ate and then given
mother love. They are very happy to cruise their play room on their own.
Learning violin is just a bonus. I got about 2-3 hours every morning and
another 1-2 hours every afternoon completely to myself. My son get three
hours of undivided attention from mommy. I told my husband and all relatives
not to call me or expect response from me during this time. (one hour
violin after breakfast, one hour Montessori lesson after lunch, one hour
violin right before daddy come home and perform for daddy "on stage").
【在 M******e 的大作中提到】 : I have to say your son is very talented in music. No matter how fun the : Suzuki method is, it is truly amazing that a 4-yr old can practice violin : for two hours per day. He is indeed a future musician.
d**y 发帖数: 269 | 42 我也很怕陪孩子玩,还好我们家俩娃大部分的时候可以自己玩,最多让我陪他们下个棋
啥的 |
f******n 发帖数: 2491 | 43 我娃学校啊,放6周的假啊,见过这么能放的么……
苍天啊~大地啊~ |
d**w 发帖数: 14889 | 44
笑死了。 哈哈。 pat pat~~
【在 f******n 的大作中提到】 : 我娃学校啊,放6周的假啊,见过这么能放的么…… : 这头两周因为圣诞活动多,时间也还算好打发;第三周带娃出门旅行,也就过了;这眼 : 看着其他孩子都开学了,我还要继续熬10多天啊~ : 苍天啊~大地啊~