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Pharmaceutical版 - call from a Recruiting Consultant for a position at Merck
现在MS在药厂都多少钱?职业选择: 制药研发 or 医药咨询 (Pharma R&D or Healthcare Consulting)
Feel so frustrated...[Q: where can I get a first job?]给大公司做consultant怎么样?
请问大家有去Hurley Consulting Associates面试过的吗求推荐医药领域的ICC或CCC consulting company
GSK 的ONSITE后, 等多久有消息?药厂里的technical writer
国内药厂工资这么高啊Position Opening in Research Scientist or Consultant
Wanted: part time FDA Consultant for Medical Device Near Los Angeles从FDA回工业界容易吗?
Management Consulting Job Opportunity in China--Pharma/Hea国内大型医药企业招聘抗体研发VP 以及CAR-T,肿瘤,病毒领域科学家
computational aided drug discovery 有前途吗制药的contract职位介绍recruiter 100%是阿三?
话题: recruiting话题: consultant话题: merck话题: position话题: what
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 170
Hi All,
Just got a call from a Recruiting consultant from Merck for a scientist
position. What is the role of Recruiting consultant?
I will have a phone screening interview next Monday with the recruiting
consultant. What kind of questions he will ask?
Thank you very much for any input and help!
发帖数: 824
Feels like HR. So behavioral Qs. Cong! and Good Luck!
发帖数: 4365
background collection

【在 f**u 的大作中提到】
: Hi All,
: Just got a call from a Recruiting consultant from Merck for a scientist
: position. What is the role of Recruiting consultant?
: I will have a phone screening interview next Monday with the recruiting
: consultant. What kind of questions he will ask?
: Thank you very much for any input and help!

发帖数: 97
Well. Not sure about your particular situations.
I have dealt with recruiting consultants before whose main responsibility is
to find candidates for openings and bridge the communication between the
candidates and the company. They are a third company that is contracted or
commissioned to do the recruiting. With this kind of setup, you don't deal
with the company's HR directly but only with the recruiting consultant.
I have also seen that some companies have their own recruiting division,
normally under HR, but their main role is recruiting, no other HR roles.

【在 f**u 的大作中提到】
: Hi All,
: Just got a call from a Recruiting consultant from Merck for a scientist
: position. What is the role of Recruiting consultant?
: I will have a phone screening interview next Monday with the recruiting
: consultant. What kind of questions he will ask?
: Thank you very much for any input and help!

1 (共1页)
制药的contract职位介绍recruiter 100%是阿三?国内药厂工资这么高啊
merck 的苦肉计 - Fortune magazineWanted: part time FDA Consultant for Medical Device Near Los Angeles
merck的第三个case怎么样了Management Consulting Job Opportunity in China--Pharma/Hea
update on Vioxx trialcomputational aided drug discovery 有前途吗
现在MS在药厂都多少钱?职业选择: 制药研发 or 医药咨询 (Pharma R&D or Healthcare Consulting)
Feel so frustrated...[Q: where can I get a first job?]给大公司做consultant怎么样?
请问大家有去Hurley Consulting Associates面试过的吗求推荐医药领域的ICC或CCC consulting company
GSK 的ONSITE后, 等多久有消息?药厂里的technical writer
话题: recruiting话题: consultant话题: merck话题: position话题: what