g*******n 发帖数: 74 | 1 I have some thoughts opening my own pharmacy in Boston vicinity and I am
looking for anyone who is interested in opening a pharmacy, or anyone who
already has his/her own pharmacy. If you are in the same boat and have
anything to share with me..... |
b******8 发帖数: 1251 | 2 我想呀,不过我才P1呀,我一直在independent pharmacy干的。 |
f*******n 发帖数: 1213 | 3 帮顶,也想了解一下怎么开。
【在 b******8 的大作中提到】 : 我想呀,不过我才P1呀,我一直在independent pharmacy干的。
r*******w 发帖数: 197 | 4 很支持你呀同学,我也想过开自己的药店,不过要等到找到工作后先好好干个几年把基
础先打好了。BOSTON地区不错呀,那家大同药房赚翻了,你也开家跟他们抢生意 =P
【在 g*******n 的大作中提到】 : I have some thoughts opening my own pharmacy in Boston vicinity and I am : looking for anyone who is interested in opening a pharmacy, or anyone who : already has his/her own pharmacy. If you are in the same boat and have : anything to share with me.....