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PhotoGear版 - ken大嘴论TLR
yashica 124g 如何?还有一个小时就结束了
德叔快来Rollei 35 Sonnar 2.8 果然很屌
Recommendation needed on my second MF【讨论】什么相机最好玩,值得烧/保留?
seagull TLR人像摄影的最高境界是,禄莱人像摄影。。。 (转载)
DSLR是工作机,Leica是娱乐机Rollei's new TLR camera
[BSO]Rolleiflex 2.8D[合集] 推荐一个直角取景器,FUSEN 1X-2X,几乎所有135相机能用
这个2.8F好像有点贵?再问: 玛米亚双反的镜头到底咋样?我想上65/3.5
话题: tlrs话题: rollei话题: seagull话题: yashica话题: made
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10250
Yashica-MAT TLRs
Yashica-MATs were extremely popular in the 1960s and 1970s. They were always
decent cameras at a low price, so everyone had one of these Japanese camera
s. The most recent version was the Yashica-MAT 124-G. Earlier ones had lette
rs closer to A in the alphabet. The Yashica-MAT 124-G takes 120 and 220 film
and has a built-in meter, so it's everything you need in one solid metal br
Rollei TLRs
German Rollei invented the TLR back in the 1920s. They still make them brand
new today if you want to spend $3,000 here, which isn't the way to start ch
eap. Rollei has always made the very best and most expensive cameras, thus a
ny used one of any vintage in correct working order is a great camera. Pass
on the earliest ones before coated lenses.
In the heydays of TLRs Rolleis were too expensive for anyone to afford, just
as they are today. Thus to sell cameras in the 1960s and 1970s Rollei intro
duced a less expensive line called Rolleicord.
Rollei makes no junk. Even an Rolleicord today is a superb camera. It just l
acked a few features of the more expensive Rolleiflexes. Many have no meters
, many have meters, and some Rolleicords even had built-in program auto expo
sure without batteries. I think these were called Autocords, or maybe that w
as Minolta.
Rollei also made TLRs with permanently attached wide or tele lenses in place
of the normal lens.
Mamiya TLRs
Mamiya made the junkiest of the Japanese cameras that you're likely to find
popular today. They made tons of TLRs and are noted for their C3/ C33 / C330
series which has interchangeable lenses. These cameras has lens assemblies
which were, of course, two lenses. They made a broad range from about 50 mm
through 250 mm.
I had one. The lenses weren't very good, then again, I got a deal on a set w
ith two bodies, case and four lenses that only cost me a few hundred bucks.
Minolta and other TLRs
Everyone made TLRs back in the days. I never used a Minolta and presume they
were swell. Even names like Ansco and Kodak were made in the USA for patrio
tic types.
Seagull TLRs
Seagulls are modern, primitive Chinese copies of earlier TLRs. You can get t
hem brand new for a couple of hundred bucks here in a couple of different mo
dels. Unlike everything else today that's made in China by companies we know
about, from what I've seen these Seagulls are made in the traditional crude
domestic Chinese way by a Chinese company.
Sure, a Seagull ought to work great. Be careful and you can get results on a
Seagull as good as a Mamiya, Rolleiflex or anything else.
Of course the photos are the same; but for the same few hundred dollars I'd
prefer to spend some time and find an old German Rolleiflex TLR, the camera
after which the Seagull is copied. Ditto for a Yashica-MAT 124-G. Either of
these is a quality camera. The Seagull works OK, just more primitive.
If you 're buying new than the Seagull is your only option; Rolleis are grea
t but literally cost ten times as much. If you have that much to spend then
get an SLR like the Hasselblad or a rangefinder like the Mamiya 7, not a TLR
like the Rollei.
Again, the pix are the same, just that the German cameras are a joy to behol
d because of the quality of construction. Find one in good shape and even 50
years old they work great.
Beware the Holga. It's a toy plastic camera loved by artists for its fuzzy i
mages and light leaks. It's not the camera to get for sharp images.
发帖数: 14299


【在 G********d 的大作中提到】
: Yashica-MAT TLRs
: Yashica-MATs were extremely popular in the 1960s and 1970s. They were always
: decent cameras at a low price, so everyone had one of these Japanese camera
: s. The most recent version was the Yashica-MAT 124-G. Earlier ones had lette
: rs closer to A in the alphabet. The Yashica-MAT 124-G takes 120 and 220 film
: and has a built-in meter, so it's everything you need in one solid metal br
: ick.
: Rollei TLRs
: German Rollei invented the TLR back in the 1920s. They still make them brand
: new today if you want to spend $3,000 here, which isn't the way to start ch

发帖数: 12697
坑老大的网站拜访过一次, 印象有两, 1. 评价东西PERSONAL BIAS 极强. 2. 爱夸张.
发帖数: 2625

【在 b*****e 的大作中提到】
: 肯大嘴里出不了好话
: always
: camera
: lette
: film
: br
: brand
: ch

发帖数: 2489
1 (共1页)
再问: 玛米亚双反的镜头到底咋样?我想上65/3.5DSLR是工作机,Leica是娱乐机
Portra 400和pro800z push 1600的表现明明哈苏先进为啥大伙喜欢禄莱双反。。。
可以选购海鸥双反机吗?[BSO]Rolleiflex 2.8D
WTB: 成色好的yashica 124G or Rolleiflex 2.8f这个2.8F好像有点贵?
yashica 124g 如何?还有一个小时就结束了
德叔快来Rollei 35 Sonnar 2.8 果然很屌
Recommendation needed on my second MF【讨论】什么相机最好玩,值得烧/保留?
seagull TLR人像摄影的最高境界是,禄莱人像摄影。。。 (转载)
话题: tlrs话题: rollei话题: seagull话题: yashica话题: made