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PhotoGear版 - 哈哈,NR太可怜了。。。
让我们师母已呆! 尼康9月发布会!尼坑乳摸死!震撼出厂尼康最低端机也要24M了。。。
The A6100 is coming first week of Feb5D2 error 30
靠,有这么忽悠的么Canon T4i + 18-55的头 现在多少钱下手比较值得
据Canon Rumor说,Nikon的新全副会出来。。。新手Thanksgiving求推荐入门单反相机
Sony会不会在可以预见的将来和CN三足鼎立?[NR] Nikon D4 and D400 in August, D700 replacement still in the air
有没有能拍运动娃的小机器?nikon rumor现在变成了 DC+ mirrorless?
话题: dslr话题: september话题: unknowns话题: known话题: new
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 13203
I first want to start with a quote from Donald Rumsfeld
“There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also k there
are known unknowns; that is t we know there are some things we d know. But
there are also unknown unknowns —the ones we don’t know don’t know.”
We went through a lot of speculations in the last few days and I want to do
a quick recap:
Known knowns:
there will be a new DSLR-related and mirrorless camera announcements from
Nikon in September. The DSLR related event should be on or around September
8th. The mirrorless introduction should be at the end of September. Expect
four new lenses to be announced with the new mirrorless camera. Note that I
said “DSLR related” announcement –there is a low chance that “DSLR-
related” means a new accessory or lens only. So far I am aware of only one
upcoming DSLR that will probably be at the low end of Nikon’s current
lineup. There may be even two new DSLR cameras announced in the first week
of September.
Known unknowns:
no idea when the D700 and D3s replacement will come to life. As I said
already, there could be a second DSLR announced in September that I am not
aware of. Some rumors indicate that the D700 replacement will have 24MP and
new AF system. That’s all I have.
Unknown unknowns:
the upcoming Nikkor lenses come in this category. No clue what is coming and
when. I’ve mentioned several times in the past that a new 80-400mm lens is
very high on the list of potential announcements.
发帖数: 25662


【在 n**b 的大作中提到】
: I first want to start with a quote from Donald Rumsfeld
: “There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also k there
: are known unknowns; that is t we know there are some things we d know. But
: there are also unknown unknowns —the ones we don’t know don’t know.”
: We went through a lot of speculations in the last few days and I want to do
: a quick recap:
: Known knowns:
: there will be a new DSLR-related and mirrorless camera announcements from
: Nikon in September. The DSLR related event should be on or around September
: 8th. The mirrorless introduction should be at the end of September. Expect

1 (共1页)
nikon rumor现在变成了 DC+ mirrorless?据Canon Rumor说,Nikon的新全副会出来。。。
Pentax may launch APS-C mirrorless camera 2017可能不出新全副了,D700请握好
H+ 乳墨,要搞俩无反相机。。。有没有能拍运动娃的小机器?
让我们师母已呆! 尼康9月发布会!尼坑乳摸死!震撼出厂尼康最低端机也要24M了。。。
The A6100 is coming first week of Feb5D2 error 30
靠,有这么忽悠的么Canon T4i + 18-55的头 现在多少钱下手比较值得
话题: dslr话题: september话题: unknowns话题: known话题: new