l*********t 发帖数: 104 | 1 看到一个奇葩的征婚帖,转贴一下。
号18227262963丶电子邮件[email protected]丶QQ1589978544。有意向请联系我,一起
I have outstanding talent. I am proficient in Chinese Kungfu (Yong Chun Quan
, Muay Thai, Jiu Ju, tae kwon do, Tai Chi, Tong Bei Quan, Nan Quan...) Magic
, sports events (basketball, soccer, tennis, badminton, military ball,
swimming...) Basically. I want to find a wealthy American Beauty willing to
marry me for more than 200 million dollars and help me to emigrate to the
United States, if you are the one. My micro signal 18227262963, e-mail
[email protected], QQ1589978544, have the intention to please contact me,
eat together to play old. In order to wait for you, I missed the person
waiting for me. Though I am not the best person in the world, I must be the
one who loves you the most in the world.
此人的微信是micro signal | C*********X 发帖数: 10518 | 2 all in.
【在 l*********t 的大作中提到】 : 看到一个奇葩的征婚帖,转贴一下。 : 征婚美国美女 : 我有杰出才能,我精通武术(咏春拳丶泰拳丶柔术丶跆拳道丶太极……)丶魔术,体育 : 项目(篮球丶足球丶网球丶羽毛球丶兵兵球丶游泳……)基本都会。我想找一个有钱的 : 美国美女,愿意出超过2亿美元跟我结婚,并帮助我婚姻移民美国,非诚勿扰。我微信 : 号18227262963丶电子邮件[email protected]丶QQ1589978544。有意向请联系我,一起 : 吃到老玩到老。为了等你,我错过了等我的人。虽然我不是这个世界上最好的人,但一 : 定是这个世界上最爱你的人。 : I have outstanding talent. I am proficient in Chinese Kungfu (Yong Chun Quan : , Muay Thai, Jiu Ju, tae kwon do, Tai Chi, Tong Bei Quan, Nan Quan...) Magic