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QueerNews版 - 芝加哥将大庆Civil Unions
Illinois Vote on Civil Unions Today?为什么civil union不够好?
Illinois OK's Civil Unions其实吧,我比你们任何一个人都思想开放
illinois议会通过ci vil unions,州长将签字无籽西瓜是西瓜么?
Marriage Equality Bill Introduced in Illinois驳所谓的面子问题
HI 要实现CIVIL UNION了?!民调显示:2/3的美国民众支持同性Civil Unions
哪几类人最关心gay marriage呢?Hawaii lawmakers OK civil unions, send bill to gov
Hawaii的Civil Unions提案受挫ACLU:Civil Unions不等于Marriage
反对同性婚姻的请进来看一下Lingle Vetoes Civil Union Bill zz from advocate.com
话题: chicago话题: illinois话题: unions话题: civil话题: june
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19713
Chicago to Celebrate Civil Unions
By Advocate.com Editors
Wrigley Square at Millennium Park x390 (fair) | ADVOCATE.COM
Another mass civil union celebration has been scheduled for when the
Illinois law establishing such unions goes into effect in June.
Thirty couples will have a chance to unite June 2 at Wrigley Square in
Chicago’s Millennium Park, in an event hosted by the Chicago Commission on
Human Relations’ Advisory Council on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender Issues. Ceremonies will begin at 10 a.m.
Officiants will include Cook County clerk David Orr, Cook County circuit
court chief judge Timothy C. Evans, and members of the Alliance of Illinois
Judges. Illinois governor Pat Quinn, who signed the civil unions bill into
law in January, is scheduled to attend. The Chicago Department of Cultural
Affairs and Special Events — in partnership with the Chicago Office of
Tourism and Culture, Lambda Legal, Equality Illinois and the Alliance of
Illinois Judges — is sponsoring the event.
“What a terrific way for the city of Chicago to ring in civil unions,”
said Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of Equality Illinois, an LGBT rights group, in a
news release. “Having dozens of couples celebrate their love and
commitment literally surrounded by the entire city is such a powerful symbol
for how far we have come as a society.”
Couples can apply for civil union licenses beginning June 1 at county clerks
’ offices, and there is a one-day waiting period before the ceremony can
take place. For information on other celebrations, click here and here.
发帖数: 24887
心拿些小册子什么的。这次比较精细地发现有一本专门面向gay people的Gay Chicago
travel guide。制作相当精美。扉页里面有前市长的致辞。
1 (共1页)
Lingle Vetoes Civil Union Bill zz from advocate.comHI 要实现CIVIL UNION了?!
Lingle: Civil Unions Like Incest哪几类人最关心gay marriage呢?
Ill. Close to Civil Unions, Gov. SaysHawaii的Civil Unions提案受挫
Civil Unions Bill to be Introduced in Colorado反对同性婚姻的请进来看一下
Illinois Vote on Civil Unions Today?为什么civil union不够好?
Illinois OK's Civil Unions其实吧,我比你们任何一个人都思想开放
illinois议会通过ci vil unions,州长将签字无籽西瓜是西瓜么?
Marriage Equality Bill Introduced in Illinois驳所谓的面子问题
话题: chicago话题: illinois话题: unions话题: civil话题: june