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QueerNews版 - Obama Believes Gay Marriage 'Best Addressed By The States'
Delaware Gay Marriage Bill Introduced In State Legislature斯瓦辛格希望恢复同性婚姻
Obama Open to Marriage TalksAddabbo: My Marriage Vote Can’t Be Bought
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话题: marriage话题: obama话题: he话题: president话题: house
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发帖数: 4174
Obama:Marriage 'Best Addressed By The States': White House
WASHINGTON -- As President Obama gets set to host a high-profile fundraiser
at an LGBT gala in New York City Thursday, two potentially awkward
developments confront him.
New York's state legislature seems poised to pass a bill that would legalize
same-sex marriage, both expanding the legal right to marriage and
drastically altering the political debate.
In Washington, D.C., meanwhile, questions have again emerged over the
president's past support for same-sex marriage, specifically as to whether a
nameless former staffer or Obama himself signed a 1996 questionnaire
favoring marriage for same-sex couples.
The president will likely confront questions on the issue as he heads into
Thursday night's event. There will also likely be protesters at the gala
demanding a clarification of his position.
At a White House briefing on Monday, Press Secretary Jay Carney stressed
that the president had been nothing but consistent in saying that his
position was "evolving" on the topic.
"What I know is what his position was during the campaign and what it is now
," Carney said. "He’s been very clear about it. He was very clear in the
campaign. He’s very clear about the fact that his position is evolving. I
don’t have anything to add to that."
Monday afternoon, a White House official offered a slightly more concrete
answer in an email statement to The Huffington Post.
"Although the President believes that this is an issue best addressed by the
states, he also firmly believes that committed gay and lesbian couples
should receive equal protection under the law," the official said.
Respect for states' rights with regards to marriage is a position shared by
many prominent officials and politicians, including Republicans like Dick
Cheney. While it falls far short of a full-throated endorsement of same-sex
marriage -- a gap that will keep LGBT activists rankled -- as it comes just
days before Thursday gala, the White House official's statement offers both
an indication of where Obama's evolution currently stands and a hint as to
how the president will handle the inquiries that will be coming his way.
Obama is reportedly looking for politically comfortable ways to take a more
open stance on same-sex marriage. Stressing states' rights, with a basic
federal guarantee of benefits for same-sex couples, could be the path he's
looking for.
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Delaware Gay Marriage Bill Introduced In State Legislature斯瓦辛格希望恢复同性婚姻
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another state on path to marriage equality纽约州长再次呼吁同性婚姻
话题: marriage话题: obama话题: he话题: president话题: house