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QueerNews版 - British Passport Forms to Go Gender-Neutral
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话题: passport话题: forms话题: gender话题: british话题: go
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发帖数: 19713
British Passport Forms to Go Gender-Neutral
By Winston Gieseke
Following on the heels of the United States, which in June began issuing
gender-neutral passport applications and citizenship forms for children of
American parents born out of the country, passport forms in the U.K. are
being updated to include options for same-sex parents.
Instead of being limited to the traditional “mother” and “father”
entries, the new forms are expected to include options for “parent one”
and “parent two.”
According to the BBC, agencies will also issue gender-free passports to
allow transgender people to opt out of identifying themselves as
specifically male or female.
According to Sam Dick, head of policy at the gay rights group Stonewall, “
These changes simply reflect the realities of modern life for families —
making it clearer for same-sex parents applying for passports for their
children and more straightforward for the officials who process them.”
A spokeswoman for the Identity and Passport Service said, “It is essential
that any parent provides the necessary information on their status as
parents or guardians when applying for a passport on behalf of their child.
This protects the interests of the child and ensures that IPS are able to
issue passports securely and safely to the right person.”
The new forms are expected by the end of the year.
1 (共1页)
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话题: passport话题: forms话题: gender话题: british话题: go