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QueerNews版 - German High Court Grants Tax Benefit to Gay Couples
白俄罗斯总统太雷了 劝德国同性恋外长做直男(图)激动人心的2009年:同志平权运动进展一览
Peter Tatchell : " We urge Kate and William to support marriage equality"NM的同性权益活动者集会支持Domestic-Partnership提案
Census: 131,729 Gay Couples Report They're Married其实吧,我比你们任何一个人都思想开放
华盛顿州Domestic Partnership自动升级为婚姻N.M. 的Domestic-Partnership提案被否决
俄罗斯同性恋者团体在莫斯科举行短暂游行爱尔兰通过Civil Partnerships提案
German footballer Mario Gomez says gay players should come outMEPs call for Europe-wide recognition of gay relationships
话题: couples话题: tax话题: court话题: germany话题: gay
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19713
The highest court in Germany ruled Wednesday that same-sex couples in
registered partnerships must be entitled to the same exemption from the land
transfer tax as married straight couples, but a larger debate about taxes
and other legal rights continues.
Deutsche Welle reports on the ruling about the exemption, which removes the
tax liability when one member of a divorced couple buys a piece of
previously jointly-owned real estate from the other. Two men who divorced in
2009 had asked the court to backdate an exemption, and the judges agreed,
finding that the difference in tax treatment before 2010 was
unconstitutional. Refunds are now expected for a large number of former
Registered partnerships instituted in 2001 offer a legal status that
approximates, but does not equal, marriage. Gay couples lack the same rights
in income tax and adoption. The court currently has cases pending about the
different treatment in income taxes, CNN reports.
Officials in Germany are debating taxation for same-sex couples overall,
where 13 members of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian
Democratic Union, which traditionally opposes tax equality, recently called
for an expansion of tax rights. Members of the Christian Social Union,
however, greeted the idea with “vicious criticism,” according to CNN. The
third governing partner, the Liberal Democrats, supports tax equality. Their
former leader, Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, is in a registered
partnership with his partner, Michael Mronz.
Meanwhile Volker Beck, parliamentary leader of the Green Party, wants
Germany to grant same-sex couples the right to marry, reports Deutsche Welle
发帖数: 2596


【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: The highest court in Germany ruled Wednesday that same-sex couples in
: registered partnerships must be entitled to the same exemption from the land
: transfer tax as married straight couples, but a larger debate about taxes
: and other legal rights continues.
: Deutsche Welle reports on the ruling about the exemption, which removes the
: tax liability when one member of a divorced couple buys a piece of
: previously jointly-owned real estate from the other. Two men who divorced in
: 2009 had asked the court to backdate an exemption, and the judges agreed,
: finding that the difference in tax treatment before 2010 was
: unconstitutional. Refunds are now expected for a large number of former

1 (共1页)
MEPs call for Europe-wide recognition of gay relationshipsCensus: 131,729 Gay Couples Report They're Married
WI要废除Domestic partnership华盛顿州Domestic Partnership自动升级为婚姻
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你们会在facebook上注in a civil union吗?German footballer Mario Gomez says gay players should come out
白俄罗斯总统太雷了 劝德国同性恋外长做直男(图)激动人心的2009年:同志平权运动进展一览
Peter Tatchell : " We urge Kate and William to support marriage equality"NM的同性权益活动者集会支持Domestic-Partnership提案
话题: couples话题: tax话题: court话题: germany话题: gay