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Rock版 - Audioslave "Out Of Exile" CD free online listen
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话题: exile话题: out话题: audioslave话题: listen话题: cd
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 31
Visit http://www.myspace.com/audioslave
to listen to "Out Of Exile" in it's entirety!
pre-order $9.99
at CC
at BB
发帖数: 14

this album actually quite nice..
hottest song 'be yourself' got wonderful riffs
their first album'audioslave' kicks ass.
chris cornell did a much better job than in sound garden.
old rage against machine members help a lot.
miss rage...though

【在 l*********n 的大作中提到】
: Visit http://www.myspace.com/audioslave
: to listen to "Out Of Exile" in it's entirety!
: pre-order $9.99
: at CC
: at BB

发帖数: 2353
audio slave is my favorite these days.
almost every song in their last album was great.
set it off, show me how to live.
getaway car, highway, cohise, etc. simply great.

【在 z**********s 的大作中提到】
: this album actually quite nice..
: hottest song 'be yourself' got wonderful riffs
: their first album'audioslave' kicks ass.
: chris cornell did a much better job than in sound garden.
: old rage against machine members help a lot.
: miss rage...though

发帖数: 14

yeah!that sounds like most of the songs off the 1st album
[like a stone] has nice lyrics and riffs
seems these guys are coming to avalon boston for 05 out of exile tour

【在 a*******l 的大作中提到】
: audio slave is my favorite these days.
: almost every song in their last album was great.
: set it off, show me how to live.
: getaway car, highway, cohise, etc. simply great.

1 (共1页)
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话题: exile话题: out话题: audioslave话题: listen话题: cd