x4 发帖数: 3 | 1 就这种素质,居然还领导慈善事业,
"Kaiyi Liu 12 minutes ago
I thought American people were fair, good-will, and reasonable at first, but
found them as dirty as those killing in Iraq. " | K****n 发帖数: 5970 | 2 是很naive,你咋人肉了人家
【在 x4 的大作中提到】 : 就这种素质,居然还领导慈善事业, : 还不如当5mao专门给你党妈舔屁股去算了。 : "Kaiyi Liu 12 minutes ago : I thought American people were fair, good-will, and reasonable at first, but : found them as dirty as those killing in Iraq. "