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SanDiego版 - 天厨,周六团购的请自己研究好Price Match声明.
抓狂: utc Von's 里几个cashier 智商太低了推荐mira mesa 的一个越南面包店
最新版规,请大家自觉遵守昨天吃了次天厨, 还不错
天厨终于把我也惹了Mira Mesa上那个越南三文治店在哪里?
上次谁在这里游说mira mesa上的沪园好吃来着?这里饭店的托真多。报告一下, 银舟关门了。。。
sandiego最烂的餐馆Mira Mesa的Black Angus 关门了。
笑死了Job Openning:Technical Writer
话题: nex话题: price话题: match话题: policy话题: customers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2817
The NEX Price Match Policy guarantees that NEXs will match any brick and
mortar retailer's advertised price within the local market area on any
identical in-stock item.
"We want the NEX to be our customers' choice for shopping," said Richard Dow
, NEXCOM senior vice president, Store Operations. "Revamping our NEX Price
Match Policy gives our NEX cashiers more authority to match prices which
will give an even greater customer service experience to our customers."
NEX sales associates have the authority to match an advertised price
reduction up to $100. An NEX supervisor must authorize a price match over $
100. Customers may ask for a price adjustment at any cash register in the
The advertised priced may be presented in the form of a printed ad or a
mobile marketing device, such as a cell phone or smart phone, from a local
competitor. Photographs of an item taken with a cell phone or smart phone
will not be accepted.
A NEX cashier will also accept a customer's verbal price challenge for an
item with a price difference of $10 or less. Customers need not bring a copy
of a competitor's advertisement for items under $10.
For items on the NEX web store, myNavyExchange.com, the NEX will visually
verify the price of the item prior to matching the price.
In addition, overseas NEXs will match the pricing of current mail order
catalogs as well as web stores from Sears, J.C. Penney, Walmart and any
other comparable commercial retailers with web stores. Freight charges, if
applicable, are added to the competitor's price.
The NEX Price Match Policy does not apply to fine jewelry, automotive parts,
automotive labor and service, gasoline and special orders. Double and
triple coupons, clearance, percent and dollar off items, flea market sales,
going out of business sales and commissary prices are also excluded from the
NEX Price Match Policy.
1 (共1页)
又想去下馆子了上次谁在这里游说mira mesa上的沪园好吃来着?这里饭店的托真多。
抓狂: utc Von's 里几个cashier 智商太低了推荐mira mesa 的一个越南面包店
最新版规,请大家自觉遵守昨天吃了次天厨, 还不错
天厨终于把我也惹了Mira Mesa上那个越南三文治店在哪里?
话题: nex话题: price话题: match话题: policy话题: customers