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SanDiego版 - 通风报信:急招招展会助理
snowjam show this weekend at the Del Mar FairgroundsSan Diego Kids Expo & Fair - Del Mar Fairgrounds
【圣地亚哥欢迎你】美丽的黛尔玛(Del Mar)[合集] 沙滩排球 8/8 Saturday (更新)
San Diego Fair 摄影比赛投稿UCSD教授的道歉简直是个joke!
Handymen,今天groupon有ace hardware滴10 off 20 coupon读了这两条消息, 我猜你应该明白Kubiak是什么样的人.
四月,San Diego kids expoAnyone is going to the Oracle day in San Diego tomorrow?
谁去过这里?zoo 的年票必须有san diego的ID才能买吗?
房涨是不是慢下来了Science Festival从这周末开始
话题: mar话题: del话题: assistant话题: part话题: show
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2032
Looking for Trade Show Assistant (Part- Time)
We are hiring 1 part-time Exhibition assistant from June 8-July 4, 2013. We
are exhibiting on the San Diego County Fair located in
Del Mar Fairgrounds,
2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd.
Del Mar, CA 92014
sales assistant: We are looking to hire a part-time show assistant (Female)
to help demonstrate our art work on the show. Must be fluent in both English
and Chinese with some sales experience.
Please send resume to g***********[email protected]. You may also fax your resume
to (714) 505-0733.
(Immediately Hire)
我公司将于June 8-July 4, 2013在Del Mar Fairgrounds,
2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd.
Del Mar, CA 92014. 参加展览San Diego County Fair。现急招展会助理.
1)展示人员 (1人,女士)协助展示我们的艺术品。要求中英文流利。
有意者请EMAIL:g***********[email protected]
Fax: (714)505-0733
1 (共1页)
圣地亚哥围棋俱乐部活动四月,San Diego kids expo
BALBOA PARK每年一度的大型庆祝活动谁去过这里?
[征组织者] 2009 Holiday Lights房涨是不是慢下来了
snowjam show this weekend at the Del Mar FairgroundsSan Diego Kids Expo & Fair - Del Mar Fairgrounds
【圣地亚哥欢迎你】美丽的黛尔玛(Del Mar)[合集] 沙滩排球 8/8 Saturday (更新)
San Diego Fair 摄影比赛投稿UCSD教授的道歉简直是个joke!
Handymen,今天groupon有ace hardware滴10 off 20 coupon读了这两条消息, 我猜你应该明白Kubiak是什么样的人.
话题: mar话题: del话题: assistant话题: part话题: show