r*******e 发帖数: 3 | 1 浴缸漏水修好後做air quality test,实验室的人口头说没有mold,细问之下说有一种
Cladosporium 名称的mold,Report还没有拿到,有可能是低浓度,才说没有mold,请
问这样还算是真正没有mold吗? 不知道危险性如何? |
r*******e 发帖数: 3 | 2 结果出来是NEGATIVE but..
No spores were detected that are on the EPA watchlist.
The following spores were detected:
Raw Count
Aspergillus/Penicillim 1 spore
Basidiospores 1 spore
Cladosporium 1 spore
请问对人有伤害吗? mold会扩散吗? |
s********r 发帖数: 60 | 3 Mold 不算啥吧。腐乳好像是一种mold。可食用。
: 结果出来是NEGATIVE but..
: No spores were detected that are on the EPA watchlist.
: The following spores were detected:
: Raw Count
: Aspergillus/Penicillim 1 spore
: Basidiospores 1 spore
: Cladosporium 1 spore
: 请问对人有伤害吗? mold会扩散吗?
【在 r*******e 的大作中提到】 : 结果出来是NEGATIVE but.. : No spores were detected that are on the EPA watchlist. : The following spores were detected: : Raw Count : Aspergillus/Penicillim 1 spore : Basidiospores 1 spore : Cladosporium 1 spore : 请问对人有伤害吗? mold会扩散吗?
p*r 发帖数: 548 | 4 能分享一下修漏水和测mold的contractor吗?
【在 r*******e 的大作中提到】 : 浴缸漏水修好後做air quality test,实验室的人口头说没有mold,细问之下说有一种 : Cladosporium 名称的mold,Report还没有拿到,有可能是低浓度,才说没有mold,请 : 问这样还算是真正没有mold吗? 不知道危险性如何?