

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
SanDiego版 - One master bedroom for rent in 4S Ranch
600sqft move-in ready room for rent in 92127$1400 / 3b/2b***Guaranteed*** lowest price (poway, Rancho Bernardo)
Room for rent at 4s ranch (92127)One bedroom for rent in Rancho Bernardo (92127)
Looking for roommate in 4S Ranch, Zip code 92127One bedroom for rent in Rancho Bernardo (92127)
寻找室友! 位于4S Ranchspacious 2bed/2bath for rent 出租
寻找室友! 位于Rancho Bernado/4S RanchUTC 1B1B in townhouse for rent-starting Aug 1st
4S Ranch 3b/2b condo for rentUTC 1B1B in a townhouse for rent-starting Sep 1st
请推荐BROADCOM附近的好小区UTC 1B1B in a townhouse for rent-starting Jan 1st
One room for rent in 4s ranchMaster Bedroom for Rent
话题: ranch话题: 4s话题: rent话题: community话题: bedroom
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 259
600 sqft studio-like room for rent $800/month (including all utilities)
- Location: 4S Ranch Community (92127)
- 2.5miles to Broadcom/Sony/Hp
- 1 mile to food court
- Separated from the main house, has its own entrance - Spacious (20x30),
full bathroom, closet, can provide basic furniture (bed, tables, chairs,
refrigerator, etc)
- great community
- Perfect for professional
- No pets, no smoke, light cooking, single preferred
Available on 12/23/17. Please contact me at 858 255 0909 if
interested. Thanks.Room
1 (共1页)
Master Bedroom for Rent寻找室友! 位于Rancho Bernado/4S Ranch
UTC 1B1B in a quiet and spacious townhouse for rent-starting August 28th4S Ranch 3b/2b condo for rent
宝宝宝妈宝爸召集贴--Scripps Ranch Community Park请推荐BROADCOM附近的好小区
大家都把toddler的crafts table放哪? (转载)One room for rent in 4s ranch
600sqft move-in ready room for rent in 92127$1400 / 3b/2b***Guaranteed*** lowest price (poway, Rancho Bernardo)
Room for rent at 4s ranch (92127)One bedroom for rent in Rancho Bernardo (92127)
Looking for roommate in 4S Ranch, Zip code 92127One bedroom for rent in Rancho Bernardo (92127)
寻找室友! 位于4S Ranchspacious 2bed/2bath for rent 出租
话题: ranch话题: 4s话题: rent话题: community话题: bedroom