b***K 发帖数: 332 | 1 http://www.dca.ca.gov/publications/landlordbook/moving-out.shtm
You can give the landlord notice any time during the rental period, but you
must pay full rent during the period covered by the notice. For example, say
you have a month-to-month rental agreement, and pay rent on the first day
of each month. You could give notice any time during the month (for example,
on the tenth). Then, you could leave 30 days later (on the tenth of the
following month, or earlier if you chose to). But you would have to pay rent
for the first 10 days of the next month whether you stay for those 10 days
or move earlier.
你已经是month by month了,所以需要提前30天通知房东,然后最后一个月prorate算
房租即可。房东那样弄不和政府的规定 | b*********n 发帖数: 1508 | 2 rere
that's what I told ex landlord
【在 b***K 的大作中提到】 : http://www.dca.ca.gov/publications/landlordbook/moving-out.shtm : 第四段: : You can give the landlord notice any time during the rental period, but you : must pay full rent during the period covered by the notice. For example, say : you have a month-to-month rental agreement, and pay rent on the first day : of each month. You could give notice any time during the month (for example, : on the tenth). Then, you could leave 30 days later (on the tenth of the : following month, or earlier if you chose to). But you would have to pay rent : for the first 10 days of the next month whether you stay for those 10 days : or move earlier.