

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
SanFrancisco版 - The Future
Re: Education is so important for American people (转载)程序员 or not 程序员, that's not critical.
[合集] 弯曲这么多国人,居然...请教一个有关看房的问题
寻南湾剪头发的地方好莱坞也开始报道了,鸡毛不好混了 (转载)
湾区Museum Free Visit day 的列表Let's reflect on ourselves first
杀人医生说明了一个非常典型的wsn特点发帖之前, 请把最基本的事实搞清楚
最近怎么老看到老中被打的新闻?Now it is the time. Let's all show up and put up a good fight!
[合集] 请查办 lint 脏话骂人旧金山博物馆免费参观日 (Free Museum Day)
求教:如何写申请私立高中的applicant essay[合集] 旧金山博物馆免费参观日 (Free Museum Day)
话题: our话题: own话题: let话题: future话题: need
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4371
Let's form a healthy and complete community.
We need people with all kind of talent and skills. We need our own doctors,
lawyers who we could trust with our lives and critical matters. Let's
support them by visiting them instead of white trashes.We should have our
own kids' products and programs. Let's cherish our own culture and legacy.
We need our artists, teachers to educate our kids. We need our own designers
to design our houses and interior. We need our own museums. We need our own
business and companies. Let's support our Chinese bosses and also help and
take care of our Chinese employee.
To survive in this new land, we should prepare ourselves to fight any
resistance in all possible forms.
To those who have talent other than programming, please consider starting
your own studio. I will donate! I will invest!
发帖数: 12782


【在 M*******c 的大作中提到】
: Let's form a healthy and complete community.
: We need people with all kind of talent and skills. We need our own doctors,
: lawyers who we could trust with our lives and critical matters. Let's
: support them by visiting them instead of white trashes.We should have our
: own kids' products and programs. Let's cherish our own culture and legacy.
: We need our artists, teachers to educate our kids. We need our own designers
: to design our houses and interior. We need our own museums. We need our own
: business and companies. Let's support our Chinese bosses and also help and
: take care of our Chinese employee.
: To survive in this new land, we should prepare ourselves to fight any

1 (共1页)
[合集] 旧金山博物馆免费参观日 (Free Museum Day)杀人医生说明了一个非常典型的wsn特点
[合集] 带1-3岁小孩的到湾区哪里玩比较合适?最近怎么老看到老中被打的新闻?
5月份开始,博物馆免费[合集] 请查办 lint 脏话骂人
[合集] Re: 【阿呆人像摄影】金色蜜糖求教:如何写申请私立高中的applicant essay
Re: Education is so important for American people (转载)程序员 or not 程序员, that's not critical.
[合集] 弯曲这么多国人,居然...请教一个有关看房的问题
寻南湾剪头发的地方好莱坞也开始报道了,鸡毛不好混了 (转载)
湾区Museum Free Visit day 的列表Let's reflect on ourselves first
话题: our话题: own话题: let话题: future话题: need