d**e 发帖数: 42 | 1 found that different company may have different engineer ranking
Engineer 1/2/3, Staff Engineer, Senior Staff Engineer, and Principle
System Engineer 1/2/3, Principle System Engineer I/2, Senior Principle
System Engineer
just wonder if how these two engineer system compare each other.
Thanks! | M*******n 发帖数: 10087 | 2 不同公司的比较有什么意思呢。很多公司principle engineer的收入还没有google的
software engineer高,如果跳槽去google,也只能拿个software engineer的title。
我也见过小的startup员工,头一天还是software engineer,第二天就promote成VP了
。 | r******l 发帖数: 10760 | 3 不同公司的确是没法比较。
同一公司内,啥也没有的software engineer一般是最低的,Sr. SW Eng.肯定要高。但
有些公司Principal上面还有Sr. Principal或者Distinguished。如果公司有Fellow这
个title,一般就是最高级的了(少数上面还会有Sr. Fellow)。 | d**e 发帖数: 42 | 4 no other intention. I have been staff Engineer for 6 years and looking for
other opportunities to move next level. just want to argue with potential
employers and do not want sell too cheap.
【在 d**e 的大作中提到】 : found that different company may have different engineer ranking : Engineer 1/2/3, Staff Engineer, Senior Staff Engineer, and Principle : Engineer : System Engineer 1/2/3, Principle System Engineer I/2, Senior Principle : System Engineer : just wonder if how these two engineer system compare each other. : Thanks!
| g*********e 发帖数: 14401 | 5 money talks,
title doesn't matter much |