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Seattle版 - Education Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
Education Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) DaycareEducation Hill Learning Center Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
Education Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) DaycareEducation Hill Learning Center:Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
Education Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) DaycareEducation Hill Learning Center Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
Education Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) DaycareEducation Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
Education Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) DaycareEducation Hill Learning Center: A Love & Joy Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
Education Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) DaycareEducation Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
Education Hill Learning Center Bilingual (English/Chinese) DaycareEducation Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
Education Hill Learning Center: A Love & Joy Bilingual (English/Chinese) DaycareEducation Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
话题: learning话题: education话题: hill话题: center话题: bilingual
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1032
Education Hill Learning Center:
Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
(425) 463-7284 (Janet)
Email: j**********[email protected]
Education Hill Learning Center, a licensed and insured bilingual daycare,
located in the Abby Road community, Redmond, has 2 spaces available. The
Education Hill Learning Center Early Childhood Program provides a well-
rounded, developmentally appropriate program for children ages 4 months to
12 years old.
In a warm, nurturing setting, our veteran staff, provides a potpourri of
experiences designed to foster cognitive development, self-esteem and create
the first step on a ladder of joyful learning. Through our play-based
programs we are able to use positive reinforcement to increase positive
behaviors and self-esteem. Combining eastern philosophies and Montessori
learning techniques, children have the opportunity to explore language, math
, art, music, computer, science, reading readiness, social skills under the
guidance of our experienced bilingual instructor.
Janet Tang has 18 years experience, she received the highest Level
Certificate of Early Childhood Education in Canada.
Education Hill Learning Center provides full-time and part-time
opportunities. Programs include activities to enhance the children's
interests in:
• Mandarin Language
• Music and movement
• Math
• Science
• Art
• Creative and dramatic arts
• Piano
1 (共1页)
Education Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) DaycareEducation Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
Education Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) DaycareEducation Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
Education Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) DaycareEducation Hill Learning Center Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
Education Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) DaycareEducation Hill Learning Center: A Love & Joy Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
Education Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) DaycareEducation Hill Learning Center Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
Education Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) DaycareEducation Hill Learning Center:Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
Education Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) DaycareEducation Hill Learning Center Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
Education Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) DaycareEducation Hill Learning Center: Bilingual (English/Chinese) Daycare
话题: learning话题: education话题: hill话题: center话题: bilingual