k*x 发帖数: 1829 | 1 现在做Test.想转成PM.不知道该不该跟自己的老板讲。
比较纠结求解脱。 |
h***o 发帖数: 1494 | 2
【在 k*x 的大作中提到】 : 现在做Test.想转成PM.不知道该不该跟自己的老板讲。 : 跟老板讲的好处是自己组里就应该有PM的Opening,老板也许愿意帮助推荐; : 不跟她讲一是怕她不愿意或者打压,二是自己组里的PM干的活也没什么意思,关系也比 : 较凶险,所以考虑直接转到别的组做PM(难度另说)。 : 比较纠结求解脱。
b******t 发帖数: 677 | 3 you firstly need to be very solid on why you want to be a pm and what are
the evidence that indicates you can be successful
if you're confident about above, try contacting external pm openings (submit
resume, etc), you will get a sense how competitive you're from the # of
informational discussion will be received. talk to a few of them and you
will learn from the interviews and have more information to decide the next
forget about the opening in your team, never switch the role starting with a
position you dont have passion w/ and difficult to survive
【在 k*x 的大作中提到】 : 现在做Test.想转成PM.不知道该不该跟自己的老板讲。 : 跟老板讲的好处是自己组里就应该有PM的Opening,老板也许愿意帮助推荐; : 不跟她讲一是怕她不愿意或者打压,二是自己组里的PM干的活也没什么意思,关系也比 : 较凶险,所以考虑直接转到别的组做PM(难度另说)。 : 比较纠结求解脱。
k*x 发帖数: 1829 | 4 Thanks!
【在 b******t 的大作中提到】 : you firstly need to be very solid on why you want to be a pm and what are : the evidence that indicates you can be successful : if you're confident about above, try contacting external pm openings (submit : resume, etc), you will get a sense how competitive you're from the # of : informational discussion will be received. talk to a few of them and you : will learn from the interviews and have more information to decide the next : steps. : forget about the opening in your team, never switch the role starting with a : position you dont have passion w/ and difficult to survive
k*x 发帖数: 1829 | 5 ???能展开说说嘛?
【在 h***o 的大作中提到】 : : 还是算了吧。微软的PM比例很快就要降下来。到时候不见得还有位置。当然如果超级自 : 信的话可以。
h***o 发帖数: 1494 | 6
【在 k*x 的大作中提到】 : ???能展开说说嘛?
a*w 发帖数: 4495 | 7 4242,别的公司都把PM改叫VP了。
【在 h***o 的大作中提到】 : : 微软PM比例太高了。业界仅此一家。微软已经意识到这个问题了,以后PM比例要大大降 : 低了。
w*****g 发帖数: 4298 | 8 manage out, manage out, manage out, you will become the target of manage out
........ |
s********y 发帖数: 3811 | 9 don't.
【在 k*x 的大作中提到】 : 现在做Test.想转成PM.不知道该不该跟自己的老板讲。 : 跟老板讲的好处是自己组里就应该有PM的Opening,老板也许愿意帮助推荐; : 不跟她讲一是怕她不愿意或者打压,二是自己组里的PM干的活也没什么意思,关系也比 : 较凶险,所以考虑直接转到别的组做PM(难度另说)。 : 比较纠结求解脱。
l******n 发帖数: 492 | 10 这可是好事!PM 就是个joke
【在 h***o 的大作中提到】 : : 微软PM比例太高了。业界仅此一家。微软已经意识到这个问题了,以后PM比例要大大降 : 低了。
l******n 发帖数: 492 | 11 passion这东西...
【在 b******t 的大作中提到】 : you firstly need to be very solid on why you want to be a pm and what are : the evidence that indicates you can be successful : if you're confident about above, try contacting external pm openings (submit : resume, etc), you will get a sense how competitive you're from the # of : informational discussion will be received. talk to a few of them and you : will learn from the interviews and have more information to decide the next : steps. : forget about the opening in your team, never switch the role starting with a : position you dont have passion w/ and difficult to survive
b******t 发帖数: 677 | 12 what?
【在 l******n 的大作中提到】 : passion这东西... : : submit : next : a