j***a 发帖数: 21 | 1 就要从纽约搬过来了,这边GPS是可以随便放在windshield上的,很方便也不容易导致
mount推荐吗?我用的是Tomtom XXL。谢谢大家! | u*******m 发帖数: 3395 | 2 俺咋从来没听说过这规定涅。
何况现在手鸡都可以导航了。这导航架子可以省了。 | j***a 发帖数: 21 | 3 刚搜到的Washington State GPS Mounting Regulations。手机更是不让随便用。。。
Section 46.37.410 of the RCW prohibits anyone from driving with a GPS device
affixed either permanently or temporarily to the windshield or side windows
of a vehicle that is being driven or operated on public roads in the state
of Washington.
Device Must be Permanently Attached
Section 46.61.668 of the RCW prohibits sending, reading and writing text
messages on a wireless communication device while driving a motor vehicle.
This section includes using a GPS device unless it is a "voice-operated [GPS
] that is affixed to the vehicle and that allows the user to send or receive
messages without diverting visual attention from the road or engaging the
use of either hand." Pursuant to this section, the GPS device must be
permanently attached to the vehicle and provide navigational guidance
through auditory commands. It may be installed directly into the dashboard
or affixed by another means into the dash or center console.
Violating either of these sections is a traffic infraction resulting in a
fine. Using a handheld GPS device that is not permanently affixed to the
dashboard or center console while driving is a primary offense that incurs a
$124 fine (as of 2010).
【在 u*******m 的大作中提到】 : 俺咋从来没听说过这规定涅。 : 不过西雅图的路比较简单,基本不用鸡屁爱死。 : 何况现在手鸡都可以导航了。这导航架子可以省了。
| u*******m 发帖数: 3395 | 4 多谢!学习到了。
【在 j***a 的大作中提到】 : 刚搜到的Washington State GPS Mounting Regulations。手机更是不让随便用。。。 : Windshields : Section 46.37.410 of the RCW prohibits anyone from driving with a GPS device : affixed either permanently or temporarily to the windshield or side windows : of a vehicle that is being driven or operated on public roads in the state : of Washington. : Device Must be Permanently Attached : Section 46.61.668 of the RCW prohibits sending, reading and writing text : messages on a wireless communication device while driving a motor vehicle. : This section includes using a GPS device unless it is a "voice-operated [GPS
| m****s 发帖数: 10867 | | j***a 发帖数: 21 | 6 可以看一下这个图
。 | s*********t 发帖数: 16647 | 7 吓shi我了,仔细一看,原来是在胡说八道
rcw 46.37.410在这呢,也不知道你哪里google来的的乱七八糟的intepretation
好好看看,只说了“xxxx which obstructs the driver's clear view of the
highway or any intersecting highway.” 自己吓自己无所谓,别乱吓唬人
RCW 46.37.410
Windshields required, exception — Must be unobstructed and equipped with
(1) All motor vehicles operated on the public highways of this state shall
be equipped with a front windshield manufactured of safety glazing materials
for use in motor vehicles in accordance with RCW 46.37.430, except, however
, on such vehicles not so equipped or where windshields are not in use, the
operators of such vehicles shall wear glasses, goggles, or face shields
pursuant to RCW 46.37.530(1)(b).
(2) No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any sign, poster, or
other nontransparent material upon the front windshield, side wings, or side
or rear windows of such vehicle which obstructs the driver's clear view of
the highway or any intersecting highway.
(3) The windshield on every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a
device for cleaning rain, snow, or other moisture from the windshield, which
device shall be so constructed as to be controlled or operated by the
driver of the vehicle. After January 1, 1938, it shall be unlawful for any
person to operate a new motor vehicle first sold or delivered after that
date which is not equipped with such device or devices in good working order
capable of cleaning the windshield thereof over two separate arcs, one each
on the left and right side of the windshield, each capable of cleaning a
surface of not less than one hundred twenty square inches, or other device
or devices capable of accomplishing substantially the same result.
(4) Every windshield wiper upon a motor vehicle shall be maintained in
good working order.
【在 j***a 的大作中提到】 : 刚搜到的Washington State GPS Mounting Regulations。手机更是不让随便用。。。 : Windshields : Section 46.37.410 of the RCW prohibits anyone from driving with a GPS device : affixed either permanently or temporarily to the windshield or side windows : of a vehicle that is being driven or operated on public roads in the state : of Washington. : Device Must be Permanently Attached : Section 46.61.668 of the RCW prohibits sending, reading and writing text : messages on a wireless communication device while driving a motor vehicle. : This section includes using a GPS device unless it is a "voice-operated [GPS
| j***a 发帖数: 21 | 8 我是从ehow搜到的,看来是不靠谱,我删原帖了。
【在 s*********t 的大作中提到】 : 吓shi我了,仔细一看,原来是在胡说八道 : rcw 46.37.410在这呢,也不知道你哪里google来的的乱七八糟的intepretation : 好好看看,只说了“xxxx which obstructs the driver's clear view of the : highway or any intersecting highway.” 自己吓自己无所谓,别乱吓唬人 : RCW 46.37.410 : Windshields required, exception — Must be unobstructed and equipped with : wipers. : : (1) All motor vehicles operated on the public highways of this state shall : be equipped with a front windshield manufactured of safety glazing materials
| d**y 发帖数: 18174 | 9 多谢科普
【在 s*********t 的大作中提到】 : 吓shi我了,仔细一看,原来是在胡说八道 : rcw 46.37.410在这呢,也不知道你哪里google来的的乱七八糟的intepretation : 好好看看,只说了“xxxx which obstructs the driver's clear view of the : highway or any intersecting highway.” 自己吓自己无所谓,别乱吓唬人 : RCW 46.37.410 : Windshields required, exception — Must be unobstructed and equipped with : wipers. : : (1) All motor vehicles operated on the public highways of this state shall : be equipped with a front windshield manufactured of safety glazing materials
| t**********r 发帖数: 2153 | 10 这么麻烦?我被警察stop过,从来没有对GPS的位置有意见啊?
【在 j***a 的大作中提到】 : 可以看一下这个图 : 红的GPS不能放windshield,绿的随便放,黄的放指定区域(比如不能正中间什么的) : 。