s**********l 发帖数: 629 | 1 休假一天,然后和一群朋友去Davos一个周末,住两个晚上。现在根本没法集中精神上
班。等我回来再向大家汇报了 :-) | k***z 发帖数: 3522 | 2 Nice!
Video will be better, :D | s**********l 发帖数: 629 | 3 星期六在Davos的Jacobshorn滑了一天,晴空万里,大太阳下虽然只有不到摄氏0度,却
来,大概只有两个周末有perfect skiing weather,而这周末就是其中之一。
星期天我们去了Davos的Rinerhorn,这里比较少人来,lift ticket比Jacobshorn要便
道都很宽敞,I | x***k 发帖数: 3311 | 4 Sorry, where is Davos, in Swiss?
What's a T-bar, - the cable you pull yourself up hill? | M***a 发帖数: 1447 | 5 你应该发英雄帖叫大家都来瑞士滑
【在 s**********l 的大作中提到】 : 星期六在Davos的Jacobshorn滑了一天,晴空万里,大太阳下虽然只有不到摄氏0度,却 : 仍然很暖和。山上很忙碌人很多,因为从去年12月一直到现在,上天不合作,两个月以 : 来,大概只有两个周末有perfect skiing weather,而这周末就是其中之一。 : Jacobshorn的雪道很宽敞,往前看可以直接看到对面壮观的山峰,向下能看到山谷里的 : 住房,风景真的很美。 : 星期天我们去了Davos的Rinerhorn,这里比较少人来,lift ticket比Jacobshorn要便 : 宜一些,但是山上只有T-bar,没有life,一开始因为很久没有上T-bar了,有点不习惯 : ,不过后来就好一些了,但是我当然还是比较喜欢能坐下来的lift,因为自己体力不行 : ,总是靠坐lift时休息,换成了t-bar,我就不能真的休息了。Rinerhorn的雪道也很宽 : 敞,滑了一天,感觉良好。我主要都是在红道上,最后一个run,我们直接从近3000公
| s**********l 发帖数: 629 | 6 T-bar lift: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-bar_lift
不是你想的那种自己拉着绳子上去的,那个使rope吧。t-bar you kind of relax but
definitely not sitting (biggest mistake for those who never tried), you are
kind of standing, at the bar behind you pushes you up, sort of... my swiss
friends who are so used to t-bar, don't even hold on to the handle, the girl
who was next to me was even talking on her cell phone while we were on the
T, amazing...
Davos在瑞士,是一个挺著名的resort,大部分的时候for marketing purposes, 你会
看到Davos | Klosters 写
【在 x***k 的大作中提到】 : Sorry, where is Davos, in Swiss? : What's a T-bar, - the cable you pull yourself up hill?
| x***k 发帖数: 3311 | 7 Thanks, I got it.
Right now there is a world-wide economy forum going on at Davos and how can
you ski there?
【在 s**********l 的大作中提到】 : T-bar lift: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-bar_lift : 不是你想的那种自己拉着绳子上去的,那个使rope吧。t-bar you kind of relax but : definitely not sitting (biggest mistake for those who never tried), you are : kind of standing, at the bar behind you pushes you up, sort of... my swiss : friends who are so used to t-bar, don't even hold on to the handle, the girl : who was next to me was even talking on her cell phone while we were on the : T, amazing... : Davos在瑞士,是一个挺著名的resort,大部分的时候for marketing purposes, 你会 : 看到Davos | Klosters 写
| q*c 发帖数: 17993 | 8 Nice~~
【在 s**********l 的大作中提到】 : 星期六在Davos的Jacobshorn滑了一天,晴空万里,大太阳下虽然只有不到摄氏0度,却 : 仍然很暖和。山上很忙碌人很多,因为从去年12月一直到现在,上天不合作,两个月以 : 来,大概只有两个周末有perfect skiing weather,而这周末就是其中之一。 : Jacobshorn的雪道很宽敞,往前看可以直接看到对面壮观的山峰,向下能看到山谷里的 : 住房,风景真的很美。 : 星期天我们去了Davos的Rinerhorn,这里比较少人来,lift ticket比Jacobshorn要便 : 宜一些,但是山上只有T-bar,没有life,一开始因为很久没有上T-bar了,有点不习惯 : ,不过后来就好一些了,但是我当然还是比较喜欢能坐下来的lift,因为自己体力不行 : ,总是靠坐lift时休息,换成了t-bar,我就不能真的休息了。Rinerhorn的雪道也很宽 : 敞,滑了一天,感觉良好。我主要都是在红道上,最后一个run,我们直接从近3000公
| s**********l 发帖数: 629 | 9 the forum has not started last wknd.
And actually, if you go to Davos's website, they are heavily advertising ppl
to go skiing this week including
today. Most ppl here take the train to Davos then cross the street to take
the lift, so no worry about road
closure for the forum. And since all the hotels are booked by the ppl
atending the conference, you will have
the mountain all to yourself. It's one of the best weekends to go on a day
trip skiing in Davos. Unfortunately,
I decided to go some
【在 x***k 的大作中提到】 : Thanks, I got it. : Right now there is a world-wide economy forum going on at Davos and how can : you ski there? : : but : are : swiss : girl : the