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Ski版 - Snowbird report - early season
snowbird 的Ten-2-Share Chairs only pass 要$479.00!各地目前雪况如何?
Alta号称Best Place to Ski and Best Snow on the Planetsnowbird 流水帐
SLC2012系列之三:The steeps and chutes I skied at SnowbirdAlta,snowbird又下雪。。。
2/21 Saturday - Ski on Snowbird呵呵,开始收到ski magazine
salt lake city的雪怎么样?从雪山和郁金香
@ snowbird/alta请教一下在东西部都有滑过雪的同学
Need help to compare Alta, Snowbird, Solitude and Brighton翻墙。翻墙啊,那谁谁
话题: snowbird话题: season话题: early话题: whiteout
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3311
When: today Nov. 14, 2010 - 2nd day of opening.
Where: Snowbird.
Who: me solo
What: early season, packed snow, 28” mid-mountain, almost whiteout, cold
and snowing.
How: only the tram and Gadzoom are open, - less than 20% of the whole
mountain I guess.
Would I buy ticket now: No, if you are a local. Just wait.
Will Thanksgiving be good: it will be OK and maybe the best Thanksgiving for
years. I do not think they are opening the whole mountain even then.
发帖数: 128
the snow storm condition is exciting this year. the resort is open one week
earlier. The snowbird staff told me 3 lifts/trams are open now and they are
opening more towards thanksgiving.


【在 x***k 的大作中提到】
: When: today Nov. 14, 2010 - 2nd day of opening.
: Where: Snowbird.
: Who: me solo
: What: early season, packed snow, 28” mid-mountain, almost whiteout, cold
: and snowing.
: How: only the tram and Gadzoom are open, - less than 20% of the whole
: mountain I guess.
: Would I buy ticket now: No, if you are a local. Just wait.
: Will Thanksgiving be good: it will be OK and maybe the best Thanksgiving for
: years. I do not think they are opening the whole mountain even then.

发帖数: 3522
Early opening does not mean anything.
We could have a wet start, and then followed by a dry mid-season, like 2007.
Of course I wish this was not the case for this year.
发帖数: 3522
正好谈谈你怎么滑white out,哈哈


【在 x***k 的大作中提到】
: When: today Nov. 14, 2010 - 2nd day of opening.
: Where: Snowbird.
: Who: me solo
: What: early season, packed snow, 28” mid-mountain, almost whiteout, cold
: and snowing.
: How: only the tram and Gadzoom are open, - less than 20% of the whole
: mountain I guess.
: Would I buy ticket now: No, if you are a local. Just wait.
: Will Thanksgiving be good: it will be OK and maybe the best Thanksgiving for
: years. I do not think they are opening the whole mountain even then.

发帖数: 39815

【在 k***z 的大作中提到】
: 正好谈谈你怎么滑white out,哈哈
: for

发帖数: 3522

【在 T*********e 的大作中提到】
: 抱着板子走下来
发帖数: 3311
A long story. Three or four years ago, I went up to the Mineral Basin at
Snowbird. It was absolutely a whiteout condition but super nice powder day.
I thought the heck just go with it. I went down the steep slope and
before I knew it, I had two compete cartwheel s with head down. I had to
sit down for two minutes and get myself together. I struggled down the
slope and made back up again. I felt the dizziness – it’s like your brain
was turning but your skull was not because you absolutely do not have
reference as where sky is and where mountain is. I decided to go down to
the mid mtn restaurant and take a break. Halfway down the Little Cloud, in
the middle of whiteout, I puked really bad. It was a good thing that nobody
could see me anyways.
After that, I thought, man, it’s time to buy a helmet now and they don’t
just make them for the cool looks.
OK, ski the whiteout, you asked? Here is my 2cents: you have to know the
slopes for sure. Powder condition is always better than icy packed. I’d
lower my weight and anticipate steep and bumpy condition ahead. I’d also
use short turns and take many breaks and sometimes even a long lunch break.

【在 k***z 的大作中提到】
: 正好谈谈你怎么滑white out,哈哈
: for

发帖数: 3452


【在 x***k 的大作中提到】
: When: today Nov. 14, 2010 - 2nd day of opening.
: Where: Snowbird.
: Who: me solo
: What: early season, packed snow, 28” mid-mountain, almost whiteout, cold
: and snowing.
: How: only the tram and Gadzoom are open, - less than 20% of the whole
: mountain I guess.
: Would I buy ticket now: No, if you are a local. Just wait.
: Will Thanksgiving be good: it will be OK and maybe the best Thanksgiving for
: years. I do not think they are opening the whole mountain even then.

发帖数: 3522
Sorry to hear that, sounds like you had a concussion or something.
But nice tips for skiing white-out! And I agree you better keep your speed
under control for white out.


【在 x***k 的大作中提到】
: A long story. Three or four years ago, I went up to the Mineral Basin at
: Snowbird. It was absolutely a whiteout condition but super nice powder day.
: I thought the heck just go with it. I went down the steep slope and
: before I knew it, I had two compete cartwheel s with head down. I had to
: sit down for two minutes and get myself together. I struggled down the
: slope and made back up again. I felt the dizziness – it’s like your brain
: was turning but your skull was not because you absolutely do not have
: reference as where sky is and where mountain is. I decided to go down to
: the mid mtn restaurant and take a break. Halfway down the Little Cloud, in
: the middle of whiteout, I puked really bad. It was a good thing that nobody

发帖数: 3311
Yeah, sorry forgot the baby Chickadee haha...
But today, only Regulator Johnson on the tram and BigEmma on the Gadzoom
were open on the mountain.
Hope to see you there sometimes during the season.


【在 T******y 的大作中提到】
: the snow storm condition is exciting this year. the resort is open one week
: earlier. The snowbird staff told me 3 lifts/trams are open now and they are
: opening more towards thanksgiving.
: for

salt lake city的雪怎么样?奔一个蘑菇练习的
@ snowbird/alta各地目前雪况如何?
Need help to compare Alta, Snowbird, Solitude and Brightonsnowbird 流水帐
发帖数: 128
hmm, hope they'll open the Aerial tram hosting 125 people to hidden peak in
3xgving? kind of looking forward to it.

【在 x***k 的大作中提到】
: Yeah, sorry forgot the baby Chickadee haha...
: But today, only Regulator Johnson on the tram and BigEmma on the Gadzoom
: were open on the mountain.
: Hope to see you there sometimes during the season.
: week
: are

发帖数: 1327
it looks the tram is already running as xyzok posted:)


【在 T******y 的大作中提到】
: hmm, hope they'll open the Aerial tram hosting 125 people to hidden peak in
: 3xgving? kind of looking forward to it.

发帖数: 128
Yes yes! :)

【在 n*****a 的大作中提到】
: it looks the tram is already running as xyzok posted:)
: http://www.snowbird.com/ski_board/snowreport.php
: in

发帖数: 17993
为啥local的Just wait?


【在 x***k 的大作中提到】
: When: today Nov. 14, 2010 - 2nd day of opening.
: Where: Snowbird.
: Who: me solo
: What: early season, packed snow, 28” mid-mountain, almost whiteout, cold
: and snowing.
: How: only the tram and Gadzoom are open, - less than 20% of the whole
: mountain I guess.
: Would I buy ticket now: No, if you are a local. Just wait.
: Will Thanksgiving be good: it will be OK and maybe the best Thanksgiving for
: years. I do not think they are opening the whole mountain even then.

发帖数: 3452

【在 q*c 的大作中提到】
: 为啥local的Just wait?
: for

发帖数: 3452

【在 q*c 的大作中提到】
: 为啥local的Just wait?
: for

1 (共1页)
翻墙。翻墙啊,那谁谁2/21 Saturday - Ski on Snowbird
今天在alta狂奔了5个小时salt lake city的雪怎么样?
Utah 飞雪杂记 (5):amplifier和他师傅@ snowbird/alta
【活动】最爱utah的-The Greatest Snow on Earth! (转载)Need help to compare Alta, Snowbird, Solitude and Brighton
snowbird 的Ten-2-Share Chairs only pass 要$479.00!各地目前雪况如何?
Alta号称Best Place to Ski and Best Snow on the Planetsnowbird 流水帐
SLC2012系列之三:The steeps and chutes I skied at SnowbirdAlta,snowbird又下雪。。。
话题: snowbird话题: season话题: early话题: whiteout