S********t 发帖数: 3431 | 1 http://forums.mogulskiing.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=313
最近一直在考古这个论坛的帖子,信息量太大了。关于mogul skiing,因为自身的
mogul skiing的不同style之间的争议,消除些对mogul skiing的误解。如果能把这个
帖子前后看完,我想对mogul skiing至少在概念和理论上能有全新的认识。
这个论坛是唯一,至少是北美唯一有影响力的dedicated mogul skiing的网站/论坛,
人物几乎都是有过竞赛经历的大神,有人是现任的mogul coach。偶像fly当年也是在这
主要是讨论SVMM和WC滑法。当今comp level的mogul skier几乎都以WC滑法为王道,而
试图灌输给大众的观点是,WC滑法只适合<1%的skier(比如以竞赛为目的top skier)
而且不适合all mountain skiing,当然这一观点遭到论坛上几乎所有人的一致强烈反
对,表示WC是唯一的true mogul skiing,而且“不适合所有人”完全是因为曲解和误
导。 |
S********t 发帖数: 3431 | 2 quote:
WC is NOT just for the 1% who want to ski WC. It's for everyone who wants to
ski moguls, and ski them in a decent manner. WC mogul skiing is mogul
skiing. It's the most efficient and refined method of skiing a bump field.
It works best, it looks best, and frankly... it's no harder to learn than
any other mogul "method."
from the founder of the mogulskiing.net website
【在 S********t 的大作中提到】 : http://forums.mogulskiing.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=313 : 最近一直在考古这个论坛的帖子,信息量太大了。关于mogul skiing,因为自身的 : challenging,因为主流的误导,因为市场的排斥,大众有太多的误解和曲解。 : 这篇帖子是若干大神级大牛的吵架,推荐大伙有闲暇可以看看,也算是系统性的了解下 : mogul skiing的不同style之间的争议,消除些对mogul skiing的误解。如果能把这个 : 帖子前后看完,我想对mogul skiing至少在概念和理论上能有全新的认识。 : 大牛不光滑的牛,吵起架来也比我们这些半吊子牛多了,有理有节,看大牛吵架,我觉 : 得也能学习到很多。 : 概括说说这个帖子的大概内容和背景: : 关于这个论坛和上面的人:
r*******1 发帖数: 4394 | |
S********t 发帖数: 3431 | 4 再quote一段写的很坦率透彻的:
To start with, I'd say at least 80-90% of skiers on the mountain couldn't be
happier if their mountain had groomers working nonstop mowing down bumps so
there were no moguls runs ever. Of the 10-20% who do want to ski bumps,
most of them just want to "survive" the bumps and be able to get through
without falling and looking bad. Then there is a minority of a minority that
wants to rip in the bumps. A lot of these guys want to ski bumps with a "
carving" style, looking smooth, but not necesarily WC style. Then you
finally have the minority of a minority of a minority who want to ski WC
That's the problem. It's a really small group today who want to ski WC style
bumps. Momentum and Mogul Logic are catering to these folks, but it seems
like SVMM is catering to that group who wants to rip, not necessarily in the
WC style. I personally know plenty of folks like this. Out West, these guys
see themselves as "all-mountain" skiers, and bumps are a necessary skill to
be able to call yourself an "all-mountain" skier. Having lived and skied
back East too, I'd say there are more bump skiers who strive for WC style.
Maybe it's because there's more of a competitive bump skiing tradition,
maybe because bump runs are the main big challenge back East, as opposed to
steeps and powder out West. Who knows. |
O****e 发帖数: 3290 | 5 你太有心了,赞!
【在 S********t 的大作中提到】 : http://forums.mogulskiing.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=313 : 最近一直在考古这个论坛的帖子,信息量太大了。关于mogul skiing,因为自身的 : challenging,因为主流的误导,因为市场的排斥,大众有太多的误解和曲解。 : 这篇帖子是若干大神级大牛的吵架,推荐大伙有闲暇可以看看,也算是系统性的了解下 : mogul skiing的不同style之间的争议,消除些对mogul skiing的误解。如果能把这个 : 帖子前后看完,我想对mogul skiing至少在概念和理论上能有全新的认识。 : 大牛不光滑的牛,吵起架来也比我们这些半吊子牛多了,有理有节,看大牛吵架,我觉 : 得也能学习到很多。 : 概括说说这个帖子的大概内容和背景: : 关于这个论坛和上面的人:
w********o 发帖数: 1231 | 6 不管什么方法,一些基本功还是一样的吧? 比如turn timing, pole plant, a/e,
weight balancing
我每次雪季开始前,都尽量提醒自己,要多练下基本功, 可是一见到粉, 就high 的
都忘记了。 |
x****u 发帖数: 44466 | 7 牛人不都是在世界比赛上分高低么?
【在 S********t 的大作中提到】 : http://forums.mogulskiing.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=313 : 最近一直在考古这个论坛的帖子,信息量太大了。关于mogul skiing,因为自身的 : challenging,因为主流的误导,因为市场的排斥,大众有太多的误解和曲解。 : 这篇帖子是若干大神级大牛的吵架,推荐大伙有闲暇可以看看,也算是系统性的了解下 : mogul skiing的不同style之间的争议,消除些对mogul skiing的误解。如果能把这个 : 帖子前后看完,我想对mogul skiing至少在概念和理论上能有全新的认识。 : 大牛不光滑的牛,吵起架来也比我们这些半吊子牛多了,有理有节,看大牛吵架,我觉 : 得也能学习到很多。 : 概括说说这个帖子的大概内容和背景: : 关于这个论坛和上面的人:
x****u 发帖数: 44466 | 8 压雪的主要目的不是为了方便滑,而是防雪崩。不过如果雪场不压雪,单板应该不会来
【在 S********t 的大作中提到】 : 再quote一段写的很坦率透彻的: : To start with, I'd say at least 80-90% of skiers on the mountain couldn't be : happier if their mountain had groomers working nonstop mowing down bumps so : there were no moguls runs ever. Of the 10-20% who do want to ski bumps, : most of them just want to "survive" the bumps and be able to get through : without falling and looking bad. Then there is a minority of a minority that : wants to rip in the bumps. A lot of these guys want to ski bumps with a " : carving" style, looking smooth, but not necesarily WC style. Then you : finally have the minority of a minority of a minority who want to ski WC : style.
S********t 发帖数: 3431 | 9 版上大多数人,差不多算是daycare,幼儿园水平;少数滑的好点的版上雪友,可能算
刚入小学;版上的神级人物fly whaw,可能算中学生。我转这贴子里面几个人的水平最
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : 牛人不都是在世界比赛上分高低么?
S********t 发帖数: 3431 | 10 可能你们日本雪好,每天都下几个feet的雪。北美雪场不下雪的时候还每天辛勤的
【在 x****u 的大作中提到】 : 压雪的主要目的不是为了方便滑,而是防雪崩。不过如果雪场不压雪,单板应该不会来 : 了。 : : be : so : that
C******s 发帖数: 1917 | 11 谢谢转贴。赞!这两种方法能飞下来的都是牛人。
【在 S********t 的大作中提到】 : 再quote一段写的很坦率透彻的: : To start with, I'd say at least 80-90% of skiers on the mountain couldn't be : happier if their mountain had groomers working nonstop mowing down bumps so : there were no moguls runs ever. Of the 10-20% who do want to ski bumps, : most of them just want to "survive" the bumps and be able to get through : without falling and looking bad. Then there is a minority of a minority that : wants to rip in the bumps. A lot of these guys want to ski bumps with a " : carving" style, looking smooth, but not necesarily WC style. Then you : finally have the minority of a minority of a minority who want to ski WC : style.
i*******y 发帖数: 1255 | 12 就是说all mountain skiers see mogul skiing as a means to an end, bumpers see
mogul skiing as an end in itself
【在 S********t 的大作中提到】 : 再quote一段写的很坦率透彻的: : To start with, I'd say at least 80-90% of skiers on the mountain couldn't be : happier if their mountain had groomers working nonstop mowing down bumps so : there were no moguls runs ever. Of the 10-20% who do want to ski bumps, : most of them just want to "survive" the bumps and be able to get through : without falling and looking bad. Then there is a minority of a minority that : wants to rip in the bumps. A lot of these guys want to ski bumps with a " : carving" style, looking smooth, but not necesarily WC style. Then you : finally have the minority of a minority of a minority who want to ski WC : style.
x****u 发帖数: 44466 | 13 非也,也有人烧钱参赛的,比如那个被舞弊禁赛的小提琴家。
【在 S********t 的大作中提到】 : 版上大多数人,差不多算是daycare,幼儿园水平;少数滑的好点的版上雪友,可能算 : 刚入小学;版上的神级人物fly whaw,可能算中学生。我转这贴子里面几个人的水平最 : 差也是博士或者教授,你非要说你眼里只看的上提名拿诺奖的才算牛,我也无话可说。
x****u 发帖数: 44466 | 14 美国那些大雪场没点厚度也是不行的。日本不下雪也要天天压,因为雪会在自然压力下
【在 S********t 的大作中提到】 : 可能你们日本雪好,每天都下几个feet的雪。北美雪场不下雪的时候还每天辛勤的 : groom,断然主要目的不是防雪崩。
x****u 发帖数: 44466 | 15 老实说北美那种寒冷干燥平坦的雪场,不GS简直是浪费时间和生命,就不用挑战人造包
【在 C******s 的大作中提到】 : 谢谢转贴。赞!这两种方法能飞下来的都是牛人。 : 我自己主要在东岸滑,相比carving我更喜欢mogul的挑战,虽然很初级。 : 我自己的体会还是WC的滑法基本准则是王道,不要Carve。要想玩蘑菇,就不要跟PSIA : 学。 : 我的目标不是从蘑菇阵下飞下来,能够A&E控制速度并能把小转顺连起来我就很满足了 : 。如果能够熟练地做到这一点,就意味着雪场里除Park以外的所有雪道我都能顺畅地下 : 来,无论是蘑菇,树林还是陡坡。粉雪我就不奢望了,在孩子全部上大学之前每年最多 : 只能去西部一个星期,留到孩子都长大之后再说吧。 : : be